
Black Coral Rum

Omitchell 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Author
Black Coral Rum! This is literally the worst Rum I’ve ever had. My brother brought this shit to my house and I’ll never forgive him for this insult to my home and mouth pallet. My wife is currently chasing a cocktail made with this product with a different beverage because the mix is so terrible. It’s Vomit juice! Please spend your money elsewhere!
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
Omitchell: Which one of their rums are you referring to? The white or the spiced? I tried their spiced rum about a year ago and rated it as a 5. I found 17 spiced rums that I like better and 12 spiced rums that are even worse than this one. Needless to say, I never even bothered to try their white rum.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
https://www.distillery.news/blog/black-coral-rum-distillery/ It's unaged, or aged for 6 months. It's a regional product and hand crafted in Florida. I think it's made for mixing. I can't see any reason to sip unaged stuff pure. Is it too sour or where is the problem? I have only had good experiences with white high ester rum. Some aged stuff like Savanna HERR or Worthy Park WPE is hard to find, so an unaged version of them could do it also.
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