
Help me decide!

Pirate avatar image
Pirate 🇬🇷 | 30 ratings Author Posted 27 Dec '20

I am trying to organize my wishlist properly, or to put things into perspective if you prefer... And found myself stuck at a turning point! My next purchase is unfortunately on strict budget and dictated solely by proximity and availability, so i must unfortunately postpone tasting the very interesting of the yet untasted stuff, for the time being. 1 St. Lucia Chairman's Reserve 1931 the new standardized edition (the no81 2012 yr is my all time favorite, to this day) 2 Doorly's 14 years (loved the XO) 3 Flor de Cana 25 (caught my eye, especially the "no additives" part and the "genuine aging", but never tasted any product of their line) Which one of those would you buy first? Or, in what order would you execute that specific list?
Gordon Hardy 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Replied 28 Dec '20

Doorly’s 14 year for sure. Foursquare is a step above the rest.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 28 Dec '20

Pirate: I would rank your three rums in the exact same order. When you are able to do this without even opening any of the bottles, you are truly on the path to being a really good reviewer. I put the Flor de Cana 25 Year last because I liked their 12 Year, but was very disappointed with their 18 Year. Too long in the wood. As for your other two, I cannot even get those over here. I was also not impressed with Doorly's 12 Year.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 28 Dec '20

Doorlys 14 is the best one of the three. Smooth and much better than Doorlys XO.
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 28 Dec '20

My advice: 1) I’ll go for Doorly’s 14yo. I have a bottle (haven’t tasted it yet), but I really liked the 12yo still on my shelf. It should surprise me enormously if the 14yo isn’t better then the 12yo. 2) Chairman’s Reserve 1931 (standardised). A great blend and the best of Chairman’s I have tasted, it easily beats the 84th Edition. 3) Flor de Cana 25. Haven’t tasted it, but have tasted the 18yo and wasn’t impressed and I can also tell you that Mads Heitman one of the founders of the big Danish rum website, Romhatten, and author of two great books about rum stated in his first book that the 18yo was much more value for money and that the 25yo really don’t can compete in its price range.
Pirate avatar image
Pirate 🇬🇷 | 30 ratings Author Replied 28 Dec '20

Thank you! This settles it, then! I will pushback Flor de Cana 25 to the very end of my near-future wishlist! Although the 2 remaining contenders evoke a tough dilemma (liked other products under the same brands a great deal), i will give priority to Doorly's. Besides, judging by my taste and former acquaintance with no81-2012 (my most treasured ace ever, highly unlikely to change), i am pretty sure it is going to taste incredible as well, plus familiar! Doesn't hurt to explore into something unknown first, before sinking in 1931!
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