
Rums similar to El Dorado Skeldon 2000

DonCoasn avatar image
DonCoasn 🇩🇪 | 4 ratings Author
Hi, A while ago I bought a bottle of the El Dorado Skeldon 2000 and I am totally in love with this rum. I had cask strengths rums before and I bought some other afterwards, but in direct comparison they all feel a little tame or hollow to me. Just a few drops of the Skeldon, and the palate is flooded with rich and deep flavours. The initial sweetness is countered by a delicious bitterness and it is just the most intense and balanced experience I have ever had. Now I am curious to find other rums like that but I don't know where to start. The only comparisons you can find is with the old Skeldons from Velier. Most say that the Veliers are even better, some say that they prefer the El Dorado... but I am not willing to spend several thousand Euros to find out myself! If one of you has a tip for me, I'd be really happy!
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings

Many SWR (Skeldons) have been released resently. V&M 2001 was one of the best for me. SBS were also very good. Kill Devil in cask strength was strange (too heavy, the cask was not good - maybe the diluted is better).

I would rate: V&M2001>SBS2001>EL Dorado>>KD

El Dorado always brings a bit too much bitterness across in the taste and that reduces the other flavors, the V&M is more aromatic. El Dorado is a blended Skeldon therefore compared to the other he may have fewer characteristics.

kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings

Resurrecting an old topic. How do you compare other SWRs (Kill Devil Savalle Still, Vanilch and Mallet, SBS) to the El Dorado Skeldon?

vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
Your glasses look like blender glasses 1920. I think it's nothing wrong with them. Did you wait around 45 minutes before the tasting? I used this simple ElD glasses for tasting. https://www.homeofmalts.com/18883/el-dorado-glas 1996 SVW is so damn tasty, I'm a sucker for this rum.
DonCoasn avatar image
DonCoasn 🇩🇪 | 4 ratings Author
I might have chosen the wrong glasses for the tasting. 'The Rumble' from Simple Sample is a beautiful glass and a great choice for rum below 100 proof but after some further testing I would not use it for higher ABV anymore. In comparison to other glasses it seems to pronounce the alcohol even more which might have been the problem with the SVW. A few days ago I had a glass of the Savanna 2012 from Veliers Indian Ocean Stills line in this glass and it just tasted wrong. I absolutely love this rhum agricole and it is my baseline for complexity. It has an ABV of 61% but feels amazingly smooth. In this glass it felt a bit harsh and I did not get as many flavours out of it as I used to. After changing the glass it was perfect again.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
I'm through, it took five hours for the tasting. The Diamond 1996 is the most complex and aromatic one. Very sharpened and very flowery. Especially the nose is far beyond what I have experienced before. It blew me away. The Albion and Skeldon are on the same level, very mellow with many similar aromas but they don't have the heavy and flowery notes of the SVW. They are also not that complex. The ElD Enmore 1993 goes in the direction of these two. The Enmore 1996 has more heavy aromas and is also more sharpened. But it does not reach the level of SVW. My rating would be SVW 1996 (97 points) > Enmore 1996 (93 points) > Skeldon (91 points) = ElD Albion (91 points).
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
That's the complexity. I enjoy it, especially in rums like Velier WARD and Forsyths WPM. Their complexity is that high, that I can imagine to drink three different rums. If the aromas are changing all the time while you keep this rum in your mouth, it's a clear sign of a very complex and good rum. Great. I think the SVW will beat any other Demerara. Probably the high abv bothered you a little. But I think you described quite well how good this rum is.
DonCoasn avatar image
DonCoasn 🇩🇪 | 4 ratings Author
The SVW had alot of similarities but it was more layered and complex. When drinking more than one rum at once, I have some problems to distinguish all the little nuances, but the different flavours did not hit you all at the same time but followed each other. I'd like to discribe it in a musical way because I don't have a better comparison: the El Dorados to me feel like a beautiful chord while the SVW was more like a subtle melody. I am not sure if you know what I mean. But I guess thats the reason why the alcohol had more room and felt more pronounced.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
I have all four soon, the Skeldon, Albion, Enmore 1996 and the SVW. Also the Enmore 1993, but this one is not on the same level.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
I think you mean the ElDs are more viscous, could be because of the lesser abv. You could try to add some dropps of water to the SVW. And the flavor profile of the SVW was similar to Enmore and Skeldon?
DonCoasn avatar image
DonCoasn 🇩🇪 | 4 ratings Author
It was a really great experience but I am not sure were to place the SVW. It is definitely more complex than the El Dorados, but in comparison, the alcoholic sharpness is way higher. The El Dorados have a more pleasant mouthfeel to me. I don't know how to discribe it properly, but they have a more velvety texture to it while the SVW feels more clean and bright. Between the El Dorados it is more about personal preference. They are similar in many ways. For me, the Enmore is more overripe fruit and a hint more glue and the Skeldon is more like dry fruits and more burned wood. It is a very simplified way to discribe the differences, but I don't have better words for it right now. I prefer the Skeldon over the Enmore but they are both outstanding. One or two years ago I wouldn't have appriciated both of them I guess. My palate just started to develope and maybe in the future I will be able to appriciate the SVW in the same way. But for now, I would put in the third place. It reminded me a little on the Exclusive 13 Year Old Guyana Berry Bros & Rudd Bottling for Kirsch Whisky. Looking forward to your conclusion!
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
I'm going to do the same tasting soon. It's fantastic. I would gues, Enmore > Skeldon > SVW.
DonCoasn avatar image
DonCoasn 🇩🇪 | 4 ratings Author
Tonight is going to be tasty. Crosstasting between El Dorado Skeldon 2000, El Dorado Enmore 1996 and Velier SVW 1996.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
Watch out, the 63.4% SSN is not the right one for 600€. https://singlecaskrum.com/2020/08/15/diamond-1996/ You need the SVW with 64.6% like the sample of whisky.fr. I'm going to do the same crosstasting with Skeldon and SVW soon.
DonCoasn avatar image
DonCoasn 🇩🇪 | 4 ratings Author
I just placed the order. Now I can taste it against the Skeldon and the Enmore. I hope that I will hate it 😁 at least I found it for 600 online.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
You can find a sample of it here: https://www.whisky.fr/diamond-1996-full-proof-old-demerara-4632.html
DonCoasn avatar image
DonCoasn 🇩🇪 | 4 ratings Author
Thank you for your suggestions! I just ordered a sample of the Enmore 1996 and really look forward to a comparison. The Albion is great too, but I like the Skeldon a little better. The old Veliers might be fantastic, but 1k and more for a bottle of alcohol feels a little over the top for me. Maybe some day I will have the chance to buy a sample and change my mind.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
You are searching for a high end Demerara. El Dorado Enmore 1996 and Albion 2004 are still available for a good price and they are also on the same level. Velier 1996 SVW is around 1k if you want a better one. There are not much better Demeraras on the market. Corman Collins 1992 Enmore could be also on the same level but I can't find it anymore.
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