
Plantation Rum will change their name to be more Politically Correct.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author Posted 4 Oct '20

I had no qualms about the name for their rums, but in the next two years, there will be a very gradual shift on their name change. In 1985 and 1986, I set out on weekend journeys to photograph old remaining plantations before some fool burned another one down. My quest was simple. Why are these homes of more than 100 years old still standing while new homes fall apart in less than 2 years? How did they have cool summers and warm winters without heating and air conditioning? And what were the French, Spanish, and African architectural influences? The answers to these questions were astounding and I could write a book about my findings.. Along the way, I found out that there was one African American plantation owner who owned slaves. Fellow African American workers at first refused to believe this. However, this was brilliant! If he bought the slaves, he could set each one free one at a time! So for me, the term Plantation evokes meanings of strong and sturdy while refusing to die from anything. Why oh why does a rum company wish to join the likes of Uncle Ben's Rice and that awful Aunt Jemima Syrup? This just makes no sense and those who are offended by the Plantation term have just not done enough research! For you collectors out there, this is your cue to stock up before their labels changes. Hopefully, they will also get rid of that stupid fake rope that surrounds their more expensive bottles.
Immiketoo πŸ‡¬πŸ‡· | 60 ratings Replied 4 Oct '20

Paul, I agree with you but the cancel culture in this crazy world is real. Careers, businesses and entire institutions have been destroyed by a loud mouth, whining woke person for nothing more than they were offended by something that while historical, is now deemed inappropriate. The way of the world, sadly.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ | 402 ratings Replied 5 Oct '20

There are many banks in the UK that are historically connected to slavery. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/jun/18/barclays-hsbc-and-lloyds-among-uk-banks-that-had-links-to-slavery I wonder why they havent changed their names. Plantation has no connection to slavery. I think it's a decision of their risk management and a chance to structure their product range. They have some very good and qualitative products in the vintage or extreme series but there is no clear separation to the rest of their products.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author Replied 5 Oct '20

vomi1011: I always thought that I was beyond being shocked until I read that article! Thanks!
Florin avatar image
Florin πŸ‡·πŸ‡΄ | 78 ratings Replied 19 Oct '20

total madness, I do not understand the reason at all
Ravanagh avatar image
Ravanagh (PREMIUM) πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί | 31 ratings Replied 12 Feb '21

Surely if the offensive practice has been relegated to history, you can still use the word where appropriate! These Marxist guerillas just get the grease every time for being such squeaky wheels!
RumGuy1 avatar image
RumGuy1 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 54 ratings Replied 12 Feb '21

It's kinda like buying a rum called Holocaust 20th Anniversary. Sure you can buy it, and it might taste good, but just seems a bit weird. Maybe its only weird to those who were directly affected.
Ravanagh avatar image
Ravanagh (PREMIUM) πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί | 31 ratings Replied 12 Feb '21

Slight exaggeration. I would still drink it.
Immiketoo πŸ‡¬πŸ‡· | 60 ratings Replied 12 Feb '21

@rumguy, not at all the same imagery that comes to mind for me. But I guess companies will do anything to avoid being cancelled by the crazy far left that’s destroying the world as we know it. Just look at the Mandalorean actress who got fired for telling the truth?!
Pirate avatar image
Pirate πŸ‡¬πŸ‡· | 30 ratings Replied 12 Feb '21

Dark times. Cancel culture and history delete (as well as vandalism of relics and monuments), are looming heavily over our heads. I feel sorry for everybody and everything that is being targeted by the savage horde of warmongering barbarians, nowadays... Especially those affected.
Immiketoo πŸ‡¬πŸ‡· | 60 ratings Replied 12 Feb '21

@Pirate Agreed. I’m quite glad I’m not in the USA now on account of it. At least here, not everyone has lost their damned mind.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ | 402 ratings Replied 12 Feb '21

In Germany the women and the diverse go crazy because of feminism and the gender craze. Don't pay attention, just drink rum and relax. πŸ₯ƒ
Pirate avatar image
Pirate πŸ‡¬πŸ‡· | 30 ratings Replied 12 Feb '21

@Immiketoo Hang in there, bro. In the Corona-era, freedoms and common sense, are the very first things to be overthrown, targeted, pummelled. @vomi1011 Best advice in the world! And not a moment too soon; cheers with 1931!
RumGuy1 avatar image
RumGuy1 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 54 ratings Replied 13 Feb '21

@immiketoo Not everyone has lost their mind in the U.S. Maybe you were joking, but if not, your generalization shows your ignorance. Gina Carano's comment was an unnecessary public opinion that should have been private and i dont think firing her was fair. However, plantations werent exactly disneyland and marketing a rum with the same name doesnt make sense from a marketing standpoint. But thats my take on the matter. if you dont agree with it, thats ok. But i dont think everything is predicated by a far left or far right ideal. It might just be common sense.
Kamamura avatar image
Kamamura πŸ‡¨πŸ‡Ώ | 37 ratings Replied 14 Feb '21

This is very sad. BTW there is nothing "Marxist" about historical revisionism, all regimes try it in some way.
Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ | 548 ratings Replied 14 Feb '21

Sorry, these are all first world problems. All that gender craze, cancel culture and history delete f**k are only outgrowths of our mollycoddled society. Wait for the real problems like climate change, the rise of the sea level, littering of the world includes the resulting problems with micro plastic. The division of society for various reasons, be it political or for religious reasons. The gap between rich and poor and the unemployment that may result from it. Sorry, I’m not a doomsayer, I just wanted to mention them. In general: listen to Vomi, just drink rum and relax. :-)
Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author Replied 14 Feb '21

Rene: Thanks for your brilliant response as usual!!!! I worked very closely with sea level rise in my career that I retired from almost six years ago. It is very real and downright scary. Nothing will stop it!!!! Mother Nature always fights back and Mother Nature always wins!!!! What we are seeing in this crazy world now is what I call the "rats in the cage syndrome". Two rats start out in a cage and have lots of fun together. Then the offspring come along. Then inbreeding starts. Then they start killing each other. This is now happening on a human level. Brilliant people are capable of stopping this or slow it down, but I am afraid that nature will take it's course as usual. It would just be wonderful if all world leaders and their supporters got together to save this planet, but I am afraid that human ego and desire for greed will try to win out in the end (and they will all lose). So the best advice for all is to sit back and enjoy all of our rum while the supply lasts and just watch all of the shit fly with laughter. We can't control this craziness, but rum can get us all through this. And who knows, we may wind up being the most well preserved survivors in the end!!!!
Ravanagh avatar image
Ravanagh (PREMIUM) πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί | 31 ratings Replied 14 Feb '21

Negrita will probably be next to change its name.
Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ | 548 ratings Replied 14 Feb '21

Thanks Paul, I sometimes imagine where humanity would be if everyone worked together and the elite did not hang on to power and money. Reminds me of a lyric by Moby "Power is not shared, power is taken". But that's another story. So, I hope nature will be kind and rum drinkers survive.
stonytokes πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 26 ratings Replied 13 Mar '21

Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Destroying history because it offends certain sensitive persons is the first step on the road to authoritarianism. Limiting language and expression is tantamount to limiting thoughts and ideas. You don't need to be George Orwell to understand that.
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