
Rums that I have rated as a 6 and will never buy again

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
I have held off for weeks in starting this discussion and have finally decided to share this info. Those who read lots of my reviews already know that anything I rate as a 5 or less will never be bought again by me. However, I found a handful of rums rated as a 6 that will never be bought again. Either the price is too high for the quality in the bottle or they rank very low among the ratings of six. In order of rankings, here they are: Avua Cachaca Tapinhoa Foursquare 2004 Single Blend 11 Year Plantation Panama 8 Single Cask 2017 Don Q Gran Anejo Bumbu Original Bones Gold (aged dark) Wicked Dolphin Spiced Reserve Bacoo 12 Cayman Reef Spiced Havana Club Anejo Classico Boqueron Gold I hope this helps everyone. By the way, my formula is simply taste counting twice as much as cost, which has served me quite well.
winstonstark24 🇬🇧 | 0 ratings
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ashking 🇮🇳 | 0 ratings
i purchased black coral spiced which worst till now i have tried dont buy that one. you can get foursquare
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
All except for the first four in my original list have been dropped down to a rating of 5.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
I would like to add a recent purchase from a mere 3 days ago that has tumbled down to my six rating and also ranked to be never purchased again. It is Black Coral Spiced. The more that I try it, the more that I don't like it. Also, that one bottle of Foursquare that I have listed would have not made this list by a mere $13 US cheaper. Hey, this formula works and took almost two years to simplify. Taste counts twice as much as price. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). I emphasize that it is VERY important to properly rank all of the rums that one has rated. For the cost portion, $120 US is the denominator, which is the most that I have paid for one bottle of any rum.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
Alaska Joe: That Zafra 30 Year is very high on my list to acquire, but I still have yet to see it on any shelf. By the way, I had to go to Juneau Alaska about a year ago to find out that glacier ice can cure almost any horrible rum!! Try it, it works!!!
Alaska Joe 🇺🇸 | 40 ratings
Paul, I understand your position but still like the vintage. It’s a bit rough around the edges and strong as hell, no doubt, but I’m a clearly a Foursquare fan.Sometimes the pirate in me talks before the rest of me does. Thanks again for your opinions and time spent in rum research, you make a lot of very solid points and no doubt would be a fun rum drinking buddy. FYI, I’m curious if you’re tried the Zafra 30 yo. It’s not cheap, but I’m thinking it’s right up your alley. Bottoms up!
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
Alaska Joe: The Foursquare Zinfandel Cask and Foursquare Spiced are both fantastic and highly recommended.. The R.L. Seale 10 Year is also really growing on me. That Foursquare 2004 is the only one that I did not care for much at all. At $66 US per bottle and only ranking in my top 53%, it is simply not a good buy in my opinion. Sorry, but even Richard Seale is capable of producing an overpriced turd. I always tell it like I find it and very seldom go with the flow. My number of turds from the highly rated Plantation rums is even worse. I pay for my own rums, so I am free to give my unbiased reviews. Keep up the humor in your reviews as well!!!! And once you come close to approaching the number of reviews that I have produced, you will find that my crazy formulas actually work For cost, I divide that by $120 US, which is the most that I have paid for in any rum. For taste, it is EXTREMELY important to rank them all in order and then divide by the maximum number of reviews. Don't laugh , but it works quite well!!! By now, you should have guessed that I am a retired engineer and living very well..
Alaska Joe 🇺🇸 | 40 ratings
Paul, I’ve read your posts and chuckled to myself at some of your formulas and or opinions, but always respected your efforts,until you put Foursquare 2004 Single blend 11 year old on your current list.I double checked the Rum Ratings and decided to write a little retort to your statement. Only 3/65 people gave that rum a rating of 6 or lower, and it currently holds a 8.5 rating. I will say that any Foursquare rum is worth buying if you can find it, the price quality ratio is excellent . Richard Steele is the Elan Musk of rums. I won’t comment on the other rums, but please don’t belittle Foursquare in any way because the ratings speak for themselves. Bottoms up!
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