
Inner Circle Rum - what is wrong with these guys?

daveyjones avatar image
daveyjones 🇦🇺 | 23 ratings Author
Hey rum fans, this is my first post and i’m wasting my time writing it because I’m so shitted off by the half assed effort that it seems Inner Circle rum is putting into making their rum a competitor in the market. Hopefully someone from the brand can answer this post because I tried to contact them on their ‘website’ and it didn’t work. So for the third time... Why is it so hard to market a solid pair of words like ‘Inner Circle’? -The band did OK and that should help. -Australians love rum and might like a good second choice. -there is very little available in the antipodes that is really 151, really navy proof and really good at a reasonable price. -I really want to buy a bottle but it seems to be pretty hard and if I’m going to go out of my way I’ll hunt down Smith & Cross or beg for some Wray & Nephew. We know it can be done. Coruba is a top product for its price and is a proven favourite and the craft spirits market is going crazy. Considering that there are no rules associated with rum why can’t someone make a world beating brand? Ffs
Ravanagh avatar image
Ravanagh (PREMIUM) 🇦🇺 | 31 ratings
Found it: www.innercirclerum.com.au/ It’s a good site!
Ravanagh avatar image
Ravanagh (PREMIUM) 🇦🇺 | 31 ratings
Inner Circle is not a distilling company; they are only cane growers and sugar refiners. They just decided to show off the quality of their product by making a novelty rum for their customers and board members — hence the name.
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daveyjones 🇦🇺 | 23 ratings Author
Can we find it in Queensland, Australia?
Andy avatar image
Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 148 ratings
Thameside Rum Company. The rum is called “Dockside Signature Blend”
daveyjones avatar image
daveyjones 🇦🇺 | 23 ratings Author
Hey Andy, it’s hard to believe right? I don’t know if i’m ready to take on producing and marketing a line of spirits (although I’d love to!) but I bet you had a great time working with the London producers. What was their rum called!
Andy avatar image
Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 148 ratings
What's interesting is they don't even have a site (at least I couldn't find it). Odd someone would go to all the effort of creating a brand with multiple offerings and not even put up a simple landing page that takes almost no time? If you know anything about branding, why don't you try a crowdfunding campaign and create your own rum? I just supported one in London for a new brand - hopefully more and more folks will launch their own like this. I'd help with some promotion through RR avenues :)
daveyjones avatar image
daveyjones 🇦🇺 | 23 ratings Author
That’s a real shame isn’t it? However considering my taste I’d probably feel that it compares favourably to distilled angels tears aged in a cask made from Nelson’s coffin... Without sounding too nationalistic (although i probably will), Shouldn’t Australia be doing better in terms of rum production? We have loads of sugar cane and rum is a popular drink. Surely there is room for distiller to offer a really solid first pour rum that isn’t Bundaberg (although, they are actually smashing out some good ones and regardless of my own preferences their original rum is unique). I’ve not tried Brix but the word is ok and I really want to try the Husk Agricole. btw, God bless Her Majesty’s Navy.
Simon Doherty 🇬🇧 | 70 ratings
I have their Pot Still rum and it's up there with one of the worst i've tasted. Pipped by my own country's offerings of Dark Matter & Wester to be fair in terms of the undrinkable stakes.
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