
Taking chances on the bottom shelf

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author
Thanks to my very detailed spreadsheet, I was able to find the probabilities of lucky rum finds on the bottom shelf. For the rums that I paid less than $18 US for, there was only a 4% chance that any wound up in the top 40% of my rankings and a 16% chance that any wound up in the top 50% of my rankings. In ratings terms, these few decent finds rate 6 to 7. I also had to exclude Selvarey White from consideration because I got a $23 rum on sale for only $17, which is a bargain. So, if you see a rum on sale for less than $18 US, then it may be worth the gamble. Otherwise, stay the hell away from ones costing this cheap without first referring to these reviews. The other end of the cost spectrum is the really scary part. Out of all the rums that wound up in the lower third of my rankings with a rating of 5 or less, a whopping 10% cost $40 US or more. Buyer beware!
Scottie 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings
So where is the magic spreadsheet?
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