
Appleton 12yo Rare Blend - bin end @ Tesco

Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Author
Well at my local Tesco at least. Normal price is an overly healthy £38. Last week I picked up a bottle at £24 as they were discontinuing it. Today, I had to pop in for some jam, and noted that they had further reduced it to £15.20 - so I cleared them out of the 5 bottles that they had. Not my favourite rum, but I don't mind it. And at £15.20, it was a no brainer. For those of you not in the UK, Duty rates are £28.74 per litre of alcohol and we have VAT (sales tax) at 20%. So £15.20 is £12.67 ex VAT, less Duty of £8.05 leaves the rum at £4.62 duty and tax free which is a fairly decent price IMO
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings

Have drunk on Saturday with a colleague the new Appelton 12. It was really good, where I left half the bottle was empty, although there were many other rums. For me, always a good sign of a good rum. 

OdysseusUnbound avatar image
OdysseusUnbound 🇨🇦 | 40 ratings

I'm a fan of Appleton rums. They're incredibly versatile and fairly priced. As for additives, well it's a Jamaican rum and additives are verboten in true Jamaican rum.

Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Author

As I said, I'm cynical.

If the blend changes, but not the price, then it is invariably not for the better. Why not assumed it's enhanced? Because the world unfortunately doesn't work like that. It would be nice if it did.

As for the ageing time, you're not necessarily correct. The AYS will be the same, but not necessarily the other component rums.

vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings

Why not assume that a rum is enhanced? Unlike the K&S, the aging time was not shortened here. It is still Appleton 12. Before it was a bit too simple for me, in the video it is said that the new blend goes more in the direction of Appleton 21 and that is a good result after all. I feel the same way, it's a more complex blend now.

Orange zest flavors come from the wood, especially when tropically aged (I think). I had the aroma most often with tropical maturations. MG XO has that aroma too. Pyrate adds flavors, Appleton wouldn't do something like that. 

I like the new Appleton 12 more, but I already mentioned that.

Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Author

Reminds me to break out the last bottle of the Rare Blend 12yo that I have from the OP. 

I am going to be cynical here, and say when they change things, it is NEVER for the better. The idea of rum having orange hints reminds me of something like Pyrat XO, a tryly hideous rum that tastes more like an orange liqueur.

Why change the blend? To increase profits and make more money. Not to be magnanimous towards the paying public. 2 rums of recent that have changed their blend....

1) Kirk & Sweeney 12yo > K&S 12 Reserva. Gone from a rather punter friendly sweet easy drinking rum, to something hideous.

2) Bermudez 1852 Anniversario - somewhat old fashioned artisinally made rum, turned into a horrid sweetened crowd pleaser. 

vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings

Three versions of the 12 comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWDWxdnWNLk

I like the newest one the best though.

Kamamura avatar image
Kamamura 🇨🇿 | 37 ratings
For that price, I would buy off their whole stock. It's my most favorite rum!
ben_fairweather 🇬🇧 | 28 ratings
Still stocked in all the large Tesco stores around my way (SW England). Just got my first bottle as a Christmas present, which I haven't tasted yet (currently sipping some Plantation Pineapple, which I also got for Christmas), but I imagine you got an absolute steal at £15.20.
Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Author
Think it might just be my local one, as was in another shop and they are still selling at £38
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