
New to rum... What is something I can only get in Carribean (Cayman Islands)?

Elliott 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Author
I am looking for something I cannot get back in the states while on vacation.
James 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings
I agree your best bet is a Cuban rum, Havana is a good brand so is Santiago de cuba. You can also see if you can find any afrohead rum. I haven't tried them but they get good ratings
Tom 🇺🇸 | 230 ratings
Definitely rums from Cuba! I would also suggest asking employees about rums not available in the States as many of them can suggest some unique rums from lesser known distilleries or what is known as travel spirits. These are, especially sought after, in the Single Malt Scotch industry. Companies will produce very limited or special bottles of alcohol that can only be purchased in duty free airports outside of the States.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
In the late eighties and early nineties, I traveled the Caribbean extensively, mainly as a scuba diver or from cruise ships. The Cayman Islands are like no others in the Caribbean. There are two types that go there: bankers and divers. It is so safe that a single woman can walk around alone at night with no fear whatsoever. I can't say the same for other Caribbean Islands. Grand Cayman is also a place where the exchange rate for the US dollar is the worst, so be prepared to pay. Since the Caymans are part of the British Commonwealth, I would expect a very high chance of finding Havana Club rums from neighboring Cuba. There are plenty of different ones, so I advise you to research them all first on this site and make a list of which ones to buy. Since cruise ships based in the USA now also go to Cuba, I am sure that a bottle or two of Cuban rum would be allowed to go back home with you. By the way, the Havana Club rums that are readily available in the USA are made in Puerto Rico, but my review on that one tells the whole sordid story about it. By law, it has to be labeled Puerto Rican Rum. Pass on those.
Elliott 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Author
Thanks Paul and Keith. I figured out that bush rum is homebrew via the interwebs. So when buying bottled rum, look for Cuban. Havana club.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
Bush rum is not a brand name, but a well known description of home made moonshine rum mixed with secret herbs and spices. If you were to ask a clerk in a liquor store down in the Caribbean, you would probably be looked at as if you were crazy. You would have to go looking for it first from small roadside bars. But if one goes looking for trouble, then one will certainly find it. And once you find it, it will be in an unlabeled and unsealed bottle, which means that you won't be able to get it back through customs. I am pretty adventurous, but I would not touch the stuff. In Grand Cayman, Tortuga Rum Cake is the most coveted souvenir to bring back home, but that is available in the USA. The bottled rum is very hard to find in the states, if at all because there is just too much competition among gold mixer rums. It is also nothing to write home about. Also, sugar cane cannot be grown on the coral islands of the Caymans, so molasses must be imported from Cuba, which is probably another reason why it is almost impossible to find in the USA. They may also have Havana Club Rums from Cuba. In the USVI, look for Bones Gold and Botany Bay rums.
Keith.t2576 🇬🇧 | 0 ratings
Bush Rum! These bottlings will never be on sale in the USA as they can contain 'Erbs of D'Island" But doubt GC will stock, or any of the VI. Best to look at true Caribbean Islands for Bush Rum. Be afraid, be very afraid.
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