
Dark rums for cigar smokers?

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Posted 5 Apr '18

I was in one of my favorite liquor stores today and got into a lengthy discussion with the man next to me in the very short line. He is a bourbon drinker and was looking for some dark rums to bring out the sweetness in some of his cigars for a party. Since I don't smoke, I could only answer from memory based upon the few reviews that I came across here. The clerk and I did help him towards taking home bottles of El Dorado 12 and Clement VSOP. His initial choice of Diplomatico RE remained, but my mention of Jamaican funk in his choice of Appleton 12 Year Old Reserve Blend caused it to go back. I will pass on your comments to him through the store clerk.
Bob avatar image
Bob 🇺🇸 | 74 ratings Replied 13 Apr '18

I dont smoke cigars but i have been known to smoke the occasionally "funny cigarette" or what us Americans call a "blunt". What I've noticed with trying to appreciate rums afterwards is that my palette is totally ruined due to the dryness and flavor from the smoke and I'm not able to appreciate subtle sweetness in drier spirits as I would have without smoking. With that being said I think his choice was great, as is any rum with a good amount of sweetness. It doesn't have to be a sugar bomb like Diplomatico RE but most El Dorados from 8yr upwards seem like a good idea as well as something with some added sugar like Ron Zacapa 23, Matusalem 18yr, or Pampero Anniversario would all fit the bill. For sweet rum without sugar I suppose Don Q Anejo or Cruzan Single barrel would be great.
Matt Coast 🇫🇮 | 30 ratings Replied 24 Apr '18

Quite many smokers prefer sweet rhums. I smoke and sometimes sigars too. What I really like is Diplomatico brand and whole range of Dictador. Basicly the idea is that sweet rhum changes the aroma of the sigars to more complex. But it can change the taste of rhum. Most likely ruins it.
Casper11 🇩🇰 | 0 ratings Replied 5 Mar '19

I would suggestion going after more dry rums to match the flavours of the cigar since sweet rums tend to overpower the taste palette.
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