
Old Rum Safe?

Jan Lee 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Author
I am in the process of moving, found a bottle of Ron Botran Anejo that was given to me 20 years ago by a Cuban gentlemen. I was in sales and he wanted to give me something for helping him out of a bad situation. I was a beer drinker back then, but in my older age I have found I like to sip spirits. My question, is this rum safe to drink after all these years? My assumption is yes, but would like some confirmation.
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Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Yes, confirm Tom's Statement ! Enjoy it !
Tom 🇺🇸 | 230 ratings
Yes it can go bad IF...you store it in a warm place in direct sunlight and without a cap on it. Other than that, it is fine... Unwanted contaminants, taste degraded by oxygen through time and temperature all can play out unfavorably with any spirit if not stored properly. It seems like your fine with your bottle. Was it opened? Where was it stored. The only thing with your rum and this holds true for any spirit, once the spirit has been bottled, the aging pretty much ceases to mature anymore. The exception to this would be wine, where even after leaving the barrel, the grapes used to make the wine will continue to age.
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