
1994 Ron Cacique Antiguo

Sylvie 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Author
I was recently gifted a collection of alcohol from relatives from France. I have an unopened bottle of Ron Cacique Antiquo form Venezuela dated 3/1994, a Quinta Lisbon Wine vintage 1967, product of Portugal, and a VS cognac courvoisier with 63 on bottom. and several very old bottles of wine. A 1966 Henri de Villamont Morey-Saint-Denis, and 1972 Geurey Chambertin. Problem is, I don't drink, and never have. I believe someone more worthy and appreciative than me should have them. Not sure of their worth, or how to go about selling them. Any Suggestions anyone?
Joseph Blossman 🇺🇸 | 40 ratings
For the most part you can ship them continental without much fuss. Getting things across the oceans are were it gets tricky. However, I would love to discuss things with you about maybe purchasing some of them from you.
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