
Bad bottle Brinley Gold Shipwreck Spiced?

SlandT 🇺🇸 | 30 ratings Author Posted 1 Aug '24

Found a good deal on a bottle of Brinley's Spiced 4-year rum today.  Went to open it and discovered a lot of sediment, debris,...?

Am I correct assuming I got a bad bottle and it's not safe?

SlandT 🇺🇸 | 30 ratings Author Replied 9 Aug '24

So after leaving a negative review of the store because they wouldn't take a return... they refunded the money and insisted I keep the bottle.

They claim the sediment is because of the sugar and that it's safe... I'd still like a second opinion of that.

Jason 🇦🇺 | 3 ratings Replied 18 Aug '24

From memory, I had a bottle (nearly empty) of the Brinley vanilla rum and it accumulated an amount of sediment too. I think i drank it anyway. I also just checked a bottle form 2019, its got sediment too. I'd say its a reaction to the air in the top of the bottle.

SlandT 🇺🇸 | 30 ratings Author Replied 19 Aug '24

Thanks.  It's been sitting in my cabinet unopened unsure about drinking it.

I contacted Brinley, twice, and failed to get a response from them.

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DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 24 Aug '24

I'd imagine it is safe to drink. You could always filter it. As long as it doesn't smell or taste "off" (a small sampling, of course!), it's liley fine. It's really hard (for me) to tell from the photo how bad it is. But since you got your $$$ back, just get another one if you're worried.

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