
Santa Teresa Rhum Orange Liqueur rum

Santa Teresa Rhum Orange Liqueur

Venezuela | Flavored

20 ratings
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20 Santa Teresa Rhum Orange Liqueur Ratings

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Rick 🇺🇸 | 5 ratings
Posted almost 8 years ago

No competitor around. This is the best for long around the orange licuors. No one closer. I mixed, by itself, with ice, anyway. You will not be disappointed in any way.

Philip Rademaker 🇨🇼 | 50 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Apart from the elegant bottle, this is also an elegant drink, although one might wonder if it is a rum or a liqueur. Being from Curaçao, where the only authentic Curaçao of Curaçao is made, I cannot but consider any other orange based liqueurs inferior, but among those this one stands out for its quality. I like it!

Kieron wood 🇬🇧 | 621 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

This is a unique rhum liquer as it's orange flavoured which is excellent over ice but cam get quite sickly if done straight up

HunterRomario 🇨🇿 | 396 ratings
Posted almost 9 years ago

Dnes si představíme další rumový likér, tentokrát ale o vyšší voltáži, původem z Venezuely. Vzniká macerací přírodní a chemicky neošetřované pomerančové kůry v rumu.

Alkohol: 40 %
Původ: Venezuela
Aroma: Ve vůni nepřekvapivě dominují pomeranče, k tomu si přidejte sirupovitost, táhlou medovost, lektvar. Dojem je ale trochu plochý, žádné orgie pro nos to nejsou. (79 b)
Chuť: V chuti už přichází zajímavější projev. Na jazyku je tenhle likér sirupovité konzistence. Sladkost tu je, ale překvapivě není nijak přehnaná, mísí se s mírnou ovocnou nahořklostí pomerančové kůry. Ovocná složka je jakoby nasáklá v těžší dřevitosti. Chuťově nevšední, zajímavé. (84 b)
Shrnutí: Donesl jsem si velký panák z českolipského baru Dno pytle 2. Bohužel už se prý téměř nedá v ČR tento likér sehnat. Přítelkyni hodně zachutnal, ale myslím si, že svým stylem i na likér vysokým obsahem alkoholu je tohle pití zajímavé i pro chlapy.
Body: 82

jsanca 🇺🇸 | 57 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

Amber, Copper, Dense like honeys. Slow tear in the glass.

Fruity, sweet, some rum, no wood, some alcohol to exhale. Some memory of oranges and citrus.

A bit dense, sweet with a little sour. Some memories of orange marinated in alcohol without any doubt. Some taste of young rum.

It is a rum with some softness, but also character; it allows us to mix it with some soft drinks without losing its characteristics.

Personally I love to mix it with sparkling wine and decorate with orange peel.

The bottle looks elegant in the bar!

Gareth 🇨🇼 | 93 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

its not a rum its a liqeuer and a pretty good one.

thefatrumpirate 🇬🇧 | 121 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

Orange flavoured rum liqueur. Far better than you may expect

Felipe P 🇺🇸 | 70 ratings
Posted over 10 years ago

Best orange liqueur in the market. Best when served chilled.

Michael Evans 🇬🇧 | 83 ratings
Posted over 10 years ago

tastes like cointreau but not quite as intense. Has no attributes of a rum at all just a liqueur with rum on the label.

Remy Chevalier 🇺🇸 | 35 ratings
Posted over 11 years ago

Good as an after dinner aperitif, a little pricey to douse on pastry. An orange liqueur, not really a rum despite what it says on the bottle.

Brand Details

Name: Rhum Orange Liqueur
Company: Santa Teresa
Country: Venezuela
Type: Flavored
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No