
That Boutique-y Rum Company Secret Distillery #1 Jamaica 9-Year rum

That Boutique-y Rum Company Secret Distillery #1 Jamaica 9-Year

United Kingdom | Aged

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5 That Boutique-y Rum Company Secret Distillery #1 Jamaica 9-Year Ratings

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Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Dunkles Strohgelb im Glas.
in der Nase betörend und verwirrend. Es öffnet sich die Türe eines alten Holzschrank, gefüllt mit gedörrten Früchten die in Tabakblätter gewickelt sind und in Lederbeuteln lagern. Über die ganze Szenerie tröpfelt ein Gemisch aus Blütenhonig, Karamell, Vanille, Zitronensaft, und Mottenkugeln. Weitere Düfte sind zu entdecken, finde sie.
Am Gaumen frisch und frech. Alles ist Anwesend, Früchte, Blumen, Gräser, Hölzer, Leder, Tabak, Gewürze, Funk, alles schön gleichmässig mit einem Honig - Karamell Gemisch überzogen, dezent und elegant. Weitere Aromen sind durchaus noch zu finden, entdecke sie.
Im Abgang wandelnd und lang. Früchte, Hölzer, Tabak und Gewürze bleiben noch lange im Karamell gefangen.
Ein interessanter Rum der Spass macht. Für Fortgeschrittene und Geniesser. 8+
- 2cl Muster - leider

Dark straw yellow in the glass.
In the nose beguiling and confusing. It opens the door of an old wooden cabinet filled with dried fruit wrapped in tobacco leaves and stored in leather pouches. A mixture of blossom honey, caramel, vanilla, lemon juice, and mothballs drips over the whole scene. More scents to discover, find them.
Fresh and bold on the palate. Everything is present, fruits, flowers, grasses, woods, leather, tobacco, spices, funk, all nicely evenly coated with a honey - caramel mixture, subtle and elegant. Other flavors are definitely still to be found, discover them.
In the finish, changing and long. Fruits, woods, tobacco and spices remain trapped in the caramel for a long time.
An interesting rum that makes fun. For advanced and connoisseurs. 8+
- 2cl sample - unfortunately

marekfiser 🇨🇿 | 144 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Purchased a bits to finish the bottle by the courtesy of my rum-runner friend here in Czechia when I hijacked his private funky corner. This is a funny rum with loony name and stupid bottle with some planets on it.
Nose, just Jamaican, there are definitely some lemons or oranges present but very "cultivated" way.
Well, the body is quite something. Semi-sweet, deep and long flavor - about 54% ABV helps me to enjoy here - woody and fruity rum with lots of esthers. The flavour is really full and fiery. I would probably compare it to the "Red" 58% Papalin, which was like a great visit of my grannies' compost site.
I haven't checked how about the full bottle as I snatched just a bits but this is definitely a buy & try Jamaica.
While I believe everyone has right to rate anything from hero to zero, I also believe the 2/10 guy should perhaps revisit this review & rum in the future to see how his tongue developed in time. It is always a shame to see such underrated >7 rating rum with such mojo, basically matching the quality to "well-known" brands, such as Worthy Park or Hampden.

IBO 🇸🇰 | 193 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

Rumy od Boutique si držia svoju úroveň a táto 9 ročná Jamajka má síce nevyzula z topánok,ale kedykoľvek si ju rád znova dám. Je príjemné ovocná, cítim ananás, citrusy a zostava pri svojej voltazi dlhšie v ustach

ElPato 🇳🇴 | 38 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

I cannot understand why certain bother to taste and review categories they obviously don’t appreciate as such. This is a rock solid Jamaica pot still rum. High proof, a bit woody, but nice: near perfect sunset dram for a summer evening. Nose of oak, roasted pineapple and bitter almonds. Medium viscous palate, a bit tart at first but soon it reveals classic Jamaica funk with overripe banana and guavas, tobacco and some leather. Lingering aftertaste with no burn.

filipec 🇨🇿 | 249 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

taste - 7.5/10
smell - 8.5/10
sweetness - 7/10
price/value rating - 7/10

Brand Details

Name: Secret Distillery #1 Jamaica 9-Year
Company: That Boutique-y Rum Company
Country: United Kingdom
Type: Aged
Years Aged: 9
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

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