
Hampden Estate Pure Single Jamaican Overproof rum

Hampden Estate Pure Single Jamaican Overproof

Jamaica | Aged

74 ratings
That's some good stuff

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74 Hampden Estate Pure Single Jamaican Overproof Ratings

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CaptainMorgan.07 🇵🇱 | 31 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

I really like strong rums and this one is my favorite overproof. You won't guess that it is so strong, because it's power is lost in good fruity taste

vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

After more than a year this rum is still available almost everywhere and in Italy it is sometimes offered for 50 €. In many reviews I have already read that the 8 year old thinner brother already brings just as many flavors and the surcharge is not justified here. The when the new LROK with 47% is offered at a price of 125 euros, it is worth to have a look at this outcast Hampden.
It is a blend of OWH / LFCH / DOK that was tropically aged for 8 years. I don't know whether there are several versions of it, as with the younger brother. I have the bottle with 8 years of maturation on the back and on the front too.

Nose: Very sweet and sharp nose that initially reminds me of LFCH. But then leaves an impression of higher marks with more fruitiness. Sweet tropical fruits can be perceived, apples, pineapples, papays, then slightly salty, malty notes. That's when I think of pretzel sticks with beer. I find young bourbon wood deeper in the glass, but be careful when sticking your nose into the glass, it is quite sharp and you can leave it in the glass for an hour.

Taste: It starts off slightly salty with vanilla, then we have the pretzel sticks with a little bourbon wood influence. That's the LFCH influence. Immediately spills over into the fruity aromas, increases in spiciness, becomes malty and salty again. Then again fruity, exploding with the entire fruit palette, there are against apple, pineapple, honey, papaya. Then he goes sharply with salty and malty flavors.
The finish is very long because it is very spicy. The 60% is not a problem for me, but inexperienced rum pirates are easily overwhelmed. It is recommended to enjoy it in small sips.

Aftertaste: Lots of LFCH malt, pretzel sticks, also light fruit aromas

Conclusion: I think he's better than the younger brother. I missed the fruity aromas back then, maybe the dilution was less good for him. It is quite hot and strong, but I could still imagine it to be a bit more fruity to reduce the salty aromas.
Overall a very good and underrated rum, a bargain for me for the price.

Overall rating: 87 points

Sweetness: 2/5
Fruits: 4/5
Sharpness: 4.5 / 5
Complexity: 3.5 / 5
Value (60 €): 4/5

VikingXO 🇩🇰 | 170 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

This is really close to the regular 8 y with 46 ABV . This is just a bit more powerfull on nose and taste. Not sure if this is actually better. Really great both of them with a extremely fair price.

Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

Have had this bottle on my Jamaican shelf for a while.
The launching of this rum, together with its 46% ABV brother, marking an historic moment for all rum enthusiasts loving the 100% funky pot still rum from Jamaica.
It’s very complex, dry and intense. It’s quite hard for me to detect the aromas and flavors because of the complexity and high ABV, but I can recognize cherries, oak and spices. The finish is long, elegant and subtle.
No need for expensive Veliers anymore.
Pictures: My Jamaican shelf & My opened bottle.

kylebrown247 🇺🇸 | 2 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

This is my first bottle of self-label Hampden, and it’s excellent. Decently funky, still recognizably Jamaican, but with a lot of fun citrus and mango notes that I have never really had before. The bottle and label are fun, too. Very impressed.

LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 246 ratings
Posted 11 months ago

9,5:On the nose, the distillery's typical fruity intensity goes hand in hand with a less usual vanilla sweetness. A handful of orange peel joins jackfruit and pineapple to give us some pastry highlights.
Aeration reveals the heart of the rum, which also takes the opportunity to perfume the room. The heart is sweet and creamy, ever more pastry-like, with almond milk infused with cherry stones. Of course, the warmly tropical atmosphere is still the order of the day, with the many exotic fruits brimming with powerful aromas.
9,2:On the palate, the rum earns its overproof stripes and conquers the palate in the blink of an eye. Its spicy, coppery edge warms the taste buds to a white, delivering intense kernels and incandescent almonds. The almond milk and exotic fruit compote quickly soften all this, while adding a beautiful substance.
9,2:The finish is pastry-like, with candied fruit, jam and kirsch-soaked frangipane.
Well, orgasmic...

Les 80 🇬🇧 | 76 ratings
Posted 12 months ago

Excellent rum to say how strong it is ..it went down easy

Jara 🇨🇿 | 387 ratings
Posted 1 year ago

Vůně: Hampden funk ® , ovocná, banány, koření, piliny, kvašáky...
Chuť: nakyslejší pomerančová, banány, tropické ovoce, čokoláda, hřeje, kořenitá
Dochuť: vynikající, ovocná, proměnlivá 9,4/10

Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 483 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Rum se vyrábí z pramenité vody a prochází přírodní "divokou" fermentací. Zraje cca 8 let a neobsahuje žádný cukr ani barviva.

Aroma: Med, květiny, kyselé ovoce, lehce travnatost, třtina (?).
Chuť: Hutná, ovocná, jemně kořenitá a štiplavá. Stopově je cítit i závan jódu.
Dozvuk: Opět závan jódu, ovoce, bylinky, decentně dřevitost a kyselé ovoce. Velmi dlouhý.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Klasická 8yo je velmi dobrá základovka, Overproof je ještě o fous lepší.

eddieo 🇺🇸 | 107 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

To be fair, though, it’s not the most remarkable offering from Hampden, especially as an overproof with so much competition in this GI. This is comparable to Rum Fire, which is a far better value in versatility and flavor profile.

Brand Details

Name: Pure Single Jamaican Overproof
Company: Hampden Estate
Country: Jamaica
Type: Aged
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

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