
A. H. Riise Royal Danish Navy Frogman rum

A. H. Riise Royal Danish Navy Frogman

Denmark | Aged | 40% ABV

47 ratings
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47 A. H. Riise Royal Danish Navy Frogman Ratings

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Myrthe 🇳🇱 | 39 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

This rum has an intense and deep flavour and a sweet finish. Loved it!

filipec 🇨🇿 | 249 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

taste - 5.5/10
smell - 6.5/10
sweetness - 10/10
price/value rating - 4.5/10

Milan 🇸🇰 | 60 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Denmark, 60%,
the first touch with this rum was embarrassing, after the first sip I felt how its sweet taste full of alcohol shook me

Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Schönes sattes Bernstein im Glas.
In der Nase süss und medizinal. Düfte wie in eine alten Apotheke, hohe, dunkel gebeizte und gewachste Eichenmöbel mit hunderten kleinen Schubladen, Mullbinden, Menthol, Pfeffer, Salbei und noch mehr sind darin verstaut. Die Schublade mit dem Süssholz steht etwas offen.
Am Gaumen warm und süss. Die Süsse eliminiert die 60 % sofort, leider die Aromen auch. Vanillepudding mit extra süsser Karamellsauce und besonders viel kandierten Orangenstücken obendrauf, Ingwer, Lackritze, Sternanis und andere Gewürze runden das Ganze ab.
Im Abgang Bleibt nach dem Karamell eine leicht bittere medizinische klebrige Süsse zurück.
Ein super süsser power Rum, schon fast ein Elixier. Für Freunde von Süssrum und Zuckerschocks.
- 2 cl Muster -

Beautiful rich amber in the glass.
In the nose sweet and medicinal. Scents like an old pharmacy, high, dark stained and waxed oak furniture with hundreds of small drawers, gauze pads, menthol, pepper, sage and more are stowed inside. The drawer with the liquorice is slightly open.
Warm and sweet on the palate. The sweetness eliminates the 60% immediately, unfortunately so do the flavors. Vanilla pudding with extra sweet caramel sauce and extra candied orange pieces on top, ginger, lacquer scribble, star anise and other spices round it out.
In the finish, after the caramel a slightly bitter medicinal sticky sweetness remains.
A super sweet power rum, almost an elixir. For friends of sweet rum and sugar shocks.
- 2 cl sample -

Airhammer26 🇦🇹 | 23 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

Too strong for my taste so I might go with the less strong

Dennis93 🇩🇰 | 17 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

The high alcohol % fits the ah riise's classic sweetness very well. It is a very nice rum that is surprisingly well rounded and still a bit sweet. One of the only liquors that I have enjoyed so mutch at that %.

XsiOn 🇸🇮 | 12 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

I generally like Riise type of rum. It is a bit to sweet sometimes but taste is generally quite good (although not to rum like... more like liquor :-)).
The Frogman has gentle smell and you cannot tell that this is an overproof Rum. I can smell vanilla and Caramel. The taste is really strong and alcoholic. I really love alcohol but this 60% is a bit to much for me. I only felt sweetness and alcohol. But in a quite nice way.

Staal 🇩🇰 | 60 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

A delicious and powerful rum. The colour is golden. The smell that meet your nose is mostly vanilla and sugar cane. I do not catch more, even though there are a lot more. A very delicious odour. The taste is very strong at first. The next zips just get better and better. Lots of taste. You will experience a short sticky sensation but not even close to the other strong runs. A great, strong nice rum with a hint of sticky. All in all - delicious.

Michal Micko (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 644 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

The taste is tronger (58%) than standard AHR line, but this is all - just sweet stronger rum. The price (40Eur in Czech Republic) is good. Worth try 7,5 points.

Pavel 🇨🇿 | 134 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

It's like syrup with alcohol in it. Not really my style.

Brand Details

Name: Royal Danish Navy Frogman
ABV: 40%
Company: A. H. Riise
Country: Denmark
Type: Aged
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No