
Bozkov Original rum

Bozkov Original

Czechia | Gold

78 ratings
Barely drinkable, hard to swallow

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78 Bozkov Original Ratings

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Kieron wood 🇬🇧 | 621 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

A mixer rum at best local cheap rum and that tells but hey party in Prague

MaoHp 🇨🇿 | 11 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Not really drinkable... good for baking and with Coke.

darecek9 🇨🇿 | 35 ratings
Posted 7 months ago

A classic Czech rum with subtle hints of caramel and spices. Smooth and easy to drink.
i guess very good for cooking

hyenik 🇨🇿 | 161 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Made from potatoes, so you can´t name it rum. Drinkable with Kofola (czech substitute of cola).
Good for cookies or for alcoholics.

mcsolar 🇨🇿 | 65 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

It is for sure not rum, but just heritage of comunism times in Czech Republic.

VA_Krtek 🇨🇿 | 40 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Pokud vyznáváte výše zmíněné pořekadlo, pak jste na správné adrese. Nebo pokud pečete cukroví. Dají se v tom máčet rozinky se slušným výsledkem. Vaječný koňak z toho dělám, s kolou se to dá i vypít - no koukám, že uplatnění tohoto produktu je širší než jsem čekal - uvažuju i o čtvrtém bodu :-)
Tak jo, je tam. Jen za tu šíři uplatnění :-)

Vlad 🇬🇧 | 24 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

As my czech girlfriend said, I didnt like rum because I thought all rums taste like bozkov, I just had a grog and I need to say it works but only because it has alcohol in it, Im givin it not 1 but 2 because she is czech and I love her ;)))

Krejca 🇨🇿 | 43 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

I'm not even sure if I should be rating this. If you can find me a rum that's worse than this, I'll happily bump up the rating to 2/10. Tastes like butter with pure alcohol and a sprinkle of vanilla. On the other hand, it is fine for baking, I guess.

Ghouless 🇨🇿 | 18 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

This spirit drink made from molasses alcohol (originally from potatoes) with a lot of sugar, artifical flavourings and colourings, have nothing to do with rum (and guess what, before EU rules for rums naming have been applied, this drink have been named as Božkov Tuzmeský Rum for a decades). Taste is cheap, very specific, if you sustain more than one sip of it, next morning you will remember that it was a bad idea. As many wrote here, it´s good only for cooking, nothing more!

Jara 🇨🇿 | 388 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

„Tuzemák není pravým rumem, ale pouze náhražkou rumu, vyráběnou dochucením zředěného potravinářského lihu rumovou esencí. Tento líh se nejčastěji vyrábí z bramborového škrobu. Rumová esence, tresť, je vyráběna zahříváním oleje ze dřeva s několika chemikáliemi, vč. kyseliny sírové. Obsahuje též kapičku rakovinotvorného furanu, ale prý to není tak hrozné.
Dal bych 0bodů, nejde to.

P.S. Přikládám inspirativní foto pro ty, kteří si nedovedou Vánoční cukroví bez tuzemáku představit. Manželka pekla pečivo samozřejmě i s kpt. morganem, heffronem, republicou...

Brand Details

Name: Original
Company: Bozkov
Country: Czechia
Type: Gold
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No