
Dillon XO 12-Year rum

Dillon XO 12-Year

Martinique | Agricole | 45% ABV | Column Still (1-4)

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12 Dillon XO 12-Year Ratings

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Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

Schönes sattes Bernstein mit Kupferreflektionen.
In der Nase frisch und mehrschichtig. Ein Fass, hergestellt aus einer mächtigen Eiche, sanft getoastet, der Holzzucker karamellisiert wunderbar mild. Wilde tropische Blumen wachsen daraus, Früchte der Insel sind im grünen Dickicht auch zu finden. Daneben plätschert ein kleines Bächlein durch das mineralische Vulkangestein und hält das Moos am Rande immer schön feucht.
Am Gaumen geschmeidig und süss. Das karamellisierte Holz ist das perfekte Sprungbrett für die anderen Aromen. Früchte in Sommerlaune zeigen trickreiche Sprünge, Vanilleschoten und exotische Gewürze klatschen frenetisch Beifall. Ananas, Banane, Mangostane bieten zusammen mit Kardamom, etwas Ingwer und Zimt eine eigene Show. Weitere Darbietungen sind auch noch zu erleben.
Im Abgang lang und würzig. Früchte, Gewürze und Vanille plantschen noch lange herum, das süsse mit Karamell belegte Holz bleibt fast ewig.
Ein wunderbarer Agricole der durch seine lange Reife eine schöne tiefe Struktur erhält und die "Süsse" des Holzes perfekt aufnimmt. Für Einsteiger, Liebhaber und Geniesser. 8+
Für meine 7. Rum Runde 2022

Beautiful rich amber with copper reflections.
The nose is fresh and multilayered. A barrel made from a powerful oak, gently toasted, the wood sugar caramelizes wonderfully mild. Wild tropical flowers grow from it, fruits of the island are also found in the green thicket. Next to it, a small stream ripples through the mineral volcanic rock and keeps the moss on the edge always nice and moist.
Smooth and sweet on the palate. The caramelized wood is the perfect springboard for the other flavors. Fruits in summer mood show tricky jumps, vanilla beans and exotic spices applaud frenetically. Pineapple, banana, mangosteen put on a show of their own along with cardamom, some ginger and cinnamon. There are other performances as well.
The finish is long and spicy. Fruits, spices and vanilla splash around for a long time, the sweet caramel infused wood lingers almost forever.
A wonderful Agricole that gets a nice deep structure from its long aging and perfectly absorbs the "sweetness" of the wood. For beginners, enthusiasts and connoisseurs. 8+
For my 7th rum round 2022

Vlado 🇸🇰 | 51 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Veľmi pútavý agricole rum, čiže rum vypálený zo štavy vylisovanej z cukrovej trstiny. Zreje v malých dubových súdkoch, čo je výrazne poznať vo vôni aj chuti. Rum má svetlejšiu zlatú farbu. Po naliatí som ho nechal chvíľu oddýchnuť v pohári, aby sa rozvinuli všetky arómy. Má 45%, čo ho radí medzi silnejšie a výraznejše rumy, ale veľmi mu to pristane. Vo vôni dominujú rumové pralinky, sušené ovocie, či pražené orechy. Tiež je cítiť drevo. Chuť je veľmi vyvážená a silná, na jazyku cítiť vanilku, hrozienka a celý záver je lemovaný tónmi dubového dreva. Tento rum je skôr suchší, čo by mohol oceniť rumový fajnšmeker, krorý má rád nevšedné rumy. Toto je presný opak rumov typu O&O. Môžem len odporučiť vyskúšať.

Godspeed 🇫🇷 | 15 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

A phenomenal XO blend that exhibits all the signature flavors of Dillon: Banana, mocca, prunes, and in this instance and very surprisingly for Dillon a whisper of licorice (this is not a Neisson after all). Normally I am not a fan of a licorice note but here it is so beautifully wrapped that it gives the flavor a stringent mid-note that beautifully complements the otherwise tropical and decadent flavor profile. On a personal note I might also add that this is a very good bottle to warm up people to the (ar)cane wonder that is rhum agricole, particularly for those who may have had a less than ideal first experience with one of the harsher unaged variants.

Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

Have had this bottle for a while in my rum bar unopened as well as most of the bottles on my wishlist.
Decided to open it now just to see if it’s time to increase my Dillon shelf.
I think it’s a smooth and quite complex Agricole.
The nose is quite sharp and I think chocolate dominates. On the palate and the quite long afterburn you also can recognize vanilla, coffee and wood.
As a summary it’s good value for money for an Agricole, and I will increase my Dillon shelf.
Pictures: My now increased Dillon shelf & My opened bottle.

Laurent Folichon 🇧🇪 | 36 ratings
Posted 8 years ago

Ce rhum vous invite à la découverte de notes aromatiques agréables, franches et chaleureuses de vanille, de chocolat, de pruneau, de moka et de boisé fin.
L’association parfaite entre la douceur, la souplesse et le moelleux.

Foglialuce 🇮🇹 | 302 ratings
Posted 5 months ago

Al naso frutti rossi, legno, spezie delicate
Al palato pungente con spezie, frutti e leggero legno

Seko 🇨🇿 | 205 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

If you like the younger Dillon rums, you will like this one too, if not - better avoid. I tried Dillon VSOP before, the similarity is unmistakeable. The nose I like the most, it is straw, lemongrass, lime, mint candy (Polo), licorice, tofee and furniture polish at the end, the taste profile starts with sweet toffee, then comes a strong grassy-minty overtone turning bitter, which kills all other components, the finish starts sweet, the comes grass, mint and spicy ending, quite long. Unfortunately, this ever-present mint candy with lemongrass does not appeal to me, I prefer other agricoles over this one, such as St James 7y or Penny Blue.

Sousou85 🇫🇷 | 45 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

Un nez boisé avec arome vanille. En bouche explosivité et chaleur qui laisse place à des arômes vanille et bois. Manque légèrement de longueur en bouche.

Noname 🇫🇷 | 119 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

Très bon rhum
Senteur de boisé on y reconnaît les effluves d un bon rhum agricole.
En bouche boisé très prononcé plusieurs autres saveurs vanille tabac Moka...

Maik22 🇨🇿 | 63 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

Silná 12-náctiletka, lehce aromatická. Nicméně lahodný rum, jak již bylo zmíněno, velice odlišný od ostatních rumů a musím říct, že se hodně hodí k večernímu doutníku na zahrádce.

Brand Details

Name: XO 12-Year
ABV: 45%
Company: Dillon
Country: Martinique
Type: Agricole
Years Aged: 12
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Column Still (1-4)
Women Led: No