
A. H. Riise Danish Navy Naval Cadet rum

A. H. Riise Danish Navy Naval Cadet

Denmark | Aged | 42% ABV

23 ratings
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23 A. H. Riise Danish Navy Naval Cadet Ratings

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LUKAŽIGA 🇸🇮 | 246 ratings
Posted 3 months ago

7,3:The nose is immediately reminiscent of buttery cake batter, sprinkled with a few mild spices, and why not a handful of nuts? We've also added a few candied orange peels and a sprinkling of rum-soaked dried fruit.With aeration, our cake takes on a clearer, more speculoos or gingerbread-like character. The buttery, shortbread aspect is quite striking, with the spices surfing on an almost cereal-like mellowness.
7,3:The palate is as round as expected, and is quickly lined with a syrupy liquor. The spirit's power is thus largely covered, making it particularly approachable. The spices quietly detail themselves on the taste buds, with a generous pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, then fruits like cherries and candied oranges take over.
7:The finale is our shortbread dough, amply buttered and gently spiced.

Sw4run (PREMIUM) 🇸🇮 | 11 ratings
Posted 10 months ago

Zelo okusen rum žametnega okusa, glede na 40% je zelo piten. Priporočam rahlo ohlajenejga.

Dzudzu 🇸🇰 | 129 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Soo sweet in taste, suprising of so much sweet, but good end and smell too. 6/10

Florin 🇷🇴 | 78 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

primul rom riise pe care il incerc nu e chiar cea mai placuta intalnire..

nu prea pare rom de fapt, dealtfel pe sticla scrie ca e bautura spirtoasa pe baza de rom

o bautura licoroasa , dulce .. gustul pare a fi de muguri de brad, pare un amestec de alcool cu sirop, iar mirosul parca e de esenta de rom ce se pune la prajituri si de .. sosete murdare ))) sa mi fie cu iertare dar doar cu asta am putut compara

trebuie totusi spus ca le a iesit o treaba decenta avand in vedere componentele de mai sus )


the first rom riise that I try is not really the most pleasant encounter..

it doesn't really look like rum, otherwise it says on the bottle that it's a rum-based spirit

a liqueur, sweet drink.. the taste seems to be of fir buds, it seems to be a mixture of alcohol and syrup, and the smell seems to be rum essence that is added to cakes and of.. dirty socks))) sorry but that's all I could compare to

it must still be said that they did a decent job considering the above components)

Chimneysweep 🇨🇿 | 2 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Sweet, well balanced taste. Great for a winter evening. Very warm at the end.

Peter 🇸🇪 | 94 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Detta är lättdrucken rom,söt men en hel del smak,ingen spritsmak.
Mycket god.

mmt 🇵🇱 | 54 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Nose: Orange zest, anise, hints of coconut.
Taste: Licorice, caramel, hints of vanilla, citrus fruits and maybe even tad of mint.

hyenik 🇨🇿 | 161 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

If you like A.H.Riise way, you will like it this one too. Sweet, balanced, easy drink.
Citrus, liqourice, leather

Rocky 🇸🇰 | 121 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Skúšal som pred časom A.H.Riise XO Reserve Christmas Edition, ten mi absolútne nesadol, keďže bol neznesiteľne sladký a so silnými "vianočnými" koreniami. Známy mi odporučil skúsiť ešte tento, podľa jeho slov výrazne menej sladký typ. Tak som to riskol, fľašku Naval Cadet som kúpil v rámci zvýhodneného setu. Sklená nádoba vyzerá hodnotne, výrobca balí jednotlivé druhy do pekných krabíc s tematikou série námorných lodí. Hoci svojou výškou sa mi takmer nezmestila do rumbaru ;). Farba je tmavobronzová, vôňa dáva tušiť množstvo cukru, no je príjemnejšia, s ťažkými tónmi prezretého ovocia. V chuti dominuje cédrové drevo, karamel, škorica, sušené hrozienka a slivkový lekvár. Vychutený je dosť zaujímavo, nie je už tak prekorenený, takže je podstatne piteľnejší ako spomenuté XO. Pozitívne hodnotím zaštípanie jazyka vplyvom vyššej voltáže (42%). No vzhľadom k množstvu cukru to stále nie je moja šálka kávy, navyše cenovka (štandardne ho možno zohnať o 20% drahšie) je za danú kvalitu premrštená. S kamarátom som otvoril aj rumový kalendár značky a mám dojem, že iné ako presladené likéry tento výrobca ani neponúka. Príležitostná pochúťka skôr pre mlsné baby.

Noxondra 🇨🇿 | 131 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

Ve vůni cítím lékořici a ovoce. Vůně je velmi pěkná.
Chuť je na počátku příjemně sladká.

Brand Details

Name: Danish Navy Naval Cadet
ABV: 42%
Company: A. H. Riise
Country: Denmark
Type: Aged
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No