
Trois Rivieres Cannes Brulees rum

Trois Rivieres Cannes Brulees

Martinique | Agricole | 43% ABV | Column Still (1-4)

4 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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4 Trois Rivieres Cannes Brulees Ratings

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Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

Sehr helles Strohgelb im Glas. Woher auch immer diese Farbe herkommen mag.
In der Nase frisch und grasig. Du kannst förmlich vor dir sehen wie das leicht karamellisierte und teils ein wenig glimmend und rauchende Zuckerrohr durch die Presse gedreht wird. Frische tropisch Früchte stehen fein säuberlich aufgetürmt daneben.
Am Gaumen weich und mild. Frisches geschnittenes Zuckerrohr, andere Gräser und Blumen mit einem Hauch Karamell bestäubt bewegen sich elegant von Geschmacksknospe zu Geschmacksknospe. Irgendwo in der Ferne ist ein Lagerfeuer erloschen.
Im Abgang lang und "süss". Zuckerrohr und Karamell lümmeln länger auf der Zunge rum, die Früchte sind eher weg.
Ein ganz passabler "weisser" Agricole, mal schauen in welche Drinks dafür geeignet sind, auch zum pur trinken geeignet. Für Raucher und Nichtraucher, Liebhaber leichter Sommer Rhum, Entdecker und Neugierige. 7+

Very pale straw yellow in the glass. Wherever this color may come from.
Fresh and grassy on the nose. You can literally see in front of you how the slightly caramelized and partly a little smoldering and smoking sugar cane is being turned through the press. Fresh tropical fruits stand neatly piled up next to it.
Soft and mild on the palate. Fresh cut sugar cane, other grasses and flowers dusted with a hint of caramel move elegantly from taste bud to taste bud. Somewhere in the distance a campfire has gone out.
Long and "sweet" on the finish. Sugar cane and caramel linger longer on the tongue, the fruit is rather gone.
A quite passable "white" Agricole, let's see in which drinks are suited for it, also suitable for drinking neat. For smokers and non-smokers, lovers of light summer rhum, explorers and the curious. 7+

JellyJortikka 🇫🇮 | 74 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

43% abv agricole from charred sugar canes, only red cane variety used.
"To develop “Cannes Brûlées”, Trois Rivières got its inspiration from an ancient, traditional method, burning the sugarcanes before harvesting.
Originally the sugarcane cutters used this procedure to eliminate the sharp-edged leaves from the stalks and get rid of the snakes before cutting.
The natural wax that surrounds the canes protects the content and quality of their sugar from the flames. As the fire burns, the canes’ natural water exudes and the aromas concentrate in the juice. The sugarcanes are cut once the fire is out; they are still fuming when they are carried away to be crushed. The juice is then fermented and distilled in a Creole column. Afterwards it is watered-down to 43% A.B.V. with spring water."

Nose: very briny, leathery, smoky, bit of alcohol kick and faint citrus fruitiness.
Palate: Huge smoke and brine upfront, reminds me a lot of quality standard proof islay like talisker for example, leather and grassiness comes nicely, bit hot and spicy with nice acidic citrus notes on back palate, then some cane juice under all.
I was very excited to try this new product from one of my favorite distilleries,
Trois Rivieres after reading the product info from this new release (part of their new bartender lineup which includes 4 new rhums)
The rum is very islay whiskey like but not too much,
there is definately cane juice profile under it all, grassy citrus and fruit notes. This has easily earned its place as one of my favorite agricoles, along with Copalli white.
What Trois Rivieres has achieved here is a wonderful interesting agricole that has amazing complexity and balance for (apparently) unaged rum.

Foglialuce 🇮🇹 | 302 ratings
Posted 1 year ago

Al naso vegetale, agrumi, zucchero bruciato, burro, vaniglia e mezcal
Al palato ha un gusto di bruciato/carbonizzato unico che non avevo mai sentito (non è arrostito, tostato o affumicato, ma proprio bruciato/carbonizzato, dato dal fatto che le canne vengono bruciate prima della raccolta), con torba, vegetali, legumi, umami, mezcal, qualche agrume e pepe sul finale.
Nel bicchiere vuoto bruciato e formaggio stagionato (provola affumicata)

Chito 🇧🇬 | 42 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Normal agricole.
First touch was like I drink rakia, it's perfect for cocktail not straight

Brand Details

Name: Cannes Brulees
ABV: 43%
Company: Trois Rivieres
Country: Martinique
Type: Agricole
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Column Still (1-4)
Women Led: No