
Ron Bocoy

Yohobro 🇨🇦 | 85 ratings Author Posted 17 Apr '24

Has anyone ever tried or seen this rum? Can't find a lot about it online. It's my first time travelling in Spain and I got the Ron Bocoy Añejo-- based on the fact it was only 9euro and from Dominican Republic. I do like some Spanish style rums so I figured why not? They have a few different aged releases and as I am drinking the añejo, I think I should've gotten an older one. Does anyone have any insight to Ron Bocoy? And as always, any recommendations to keep an eye out for over here?


Yohobro 🇨🇦 | 85 ratings Author Replied 18 Apr '24

For some reason I'm unable to upload a photo with the post but here is a link to the rum anyways. https://www.supermercadoseljamon.com/detalle/-/Producto/ron-dominicano-viejo-700ml/29004085

The more I taste this, the more I like it. Reminds me of Diplomatico Mantuano. 

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