
Morado Do Vento Cachaca

PantherMike 🇺🇸 | 4 ratings Author Posted 22 Oct '23

I recently aquired this bottle from my Father's collection, he purchased this in South America approximately 20 years ago.  Can someone provide taste experience with this and advice on pulling the cork?  Should I even pull the cork to taste?

The bottle appears to be Terracotta with a flush set wine bottle cork.

The writing on the bottle is Portugese. 

Rumrun11 avatar image
Rumrun11 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 125 ratings Replied 29 Oct '23

Hello PantherMike.  It is rare for rums or Cachaca to really increase in value after only 20+ years. The Morado Do Vento really gets a lot of positive reviews on taste. Not sure what your end game is here but if you are thinking that a 20+  year or even 30+ year Cachaca is going to bring in anything as far as price goes I think you will be very disappointed. Pop the cork and enjoy unless you are lucky enough to get $50 or $75 from an auction.





PantherMike 🇺🇸 | 4 ratings Author Replied 29 Oct '23

Thanks for the response.  I guess I'll pull the cork.

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