
Decent cheap rums for Mai Tai

Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Posted 19 Oct '23


I am new to rums and cocktails and I like to find cheap but decent rums to mix a mai tai.I learend that for a decent(not perfect) mai tai you should use a least two kind of rums, white and dark. Can anybody please recommend rums for a Mai Tai that are cheap but create an at least decent Mai tai taste?Kind Regards


Neman3 avatar image
Neman3 (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 307 ratings Replied 20 Oct '23

Try Smith & Cross Traditional Jamaica 57° + Trois-Rivières Cuvée de l'Océan 42°

Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Replied 21 Oct '23

Thank you. The two Rums you mentioned are quite expensive in my area (Austria,/Europe) they Costa about 30Euro each. I can get a "nameless"  white rum for about 6euro. Can I get a decent result with a cheap White rum and a more quality dark rum? 



Neman3 avatar image
Neman3 (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 307 ratings Replied 21 Oct '23

Agricole\light does not make big difference. But dark\aged does. And it better to be overpoof. I liked Denizen vatted 50° - you can skip Agricole - it already has it ;o)

Dirk van Kampen 🇳🇱 | 0 ratings Replied 26 Oct '23

i use the Don Papa Baroko rum. but you said that you need a cheap rum then you need to use a bacardi spiced or any other dark bacardi rum. But yeah i use the Don Papa Barokohttps://www.casanumber7.be/product/don-papa-baroko-rum-kopen/

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings Replied 27 Oct '23

flor de cana 4 extra seco and myers s original dark can do and they are not too expensive ...

i like to shake all without the dark rum so i add it at the end and you ll get a nice light/dark layer

effect ...

Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Replied 28 Oct '23

Thank you for your answers!!!

I saw this yt Video from Steve the barman where He recommends the worthy Park 109 for a single rum Mai Tai.


Well, the wp109 ist about 25Euto in my Country but If I only need this one rum then it would be cheaper in total.

Can anyone confirm Steves recommendation or can anyone recommend any Other single rum for a Mai Tai?



bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 176 ratings Replied 28 Oct '23

but in AustriaWP 109 is not cheap ... and myers s is also a Jamaican and cheaper ...

Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Replied 1 Nov '23

What I mean is,a Mai Tai with only the WP109 at 25Euros is in total cheaper than a Mai Tai with 2 cheap Rums.



nickprice 🇳🇱 | 29 ratings Replied 1 Nov '23

For a real budget one i like Saint James royal blanc with rum bar overproof. The Smith and Cross mentioned above is good in place of the rum bar if you can afford it. 

I went to a fancy hotel in southern France (>1000 eur a night) and their mai tais had Saint James and sailor Jerry as the base! It actually tasted okay!? I don't do this myself at home though.

Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Replied 3 Nov '23

Now I found Out that the Worthy Park 109 is 25,90 Euro per Liter which ist only about 19Euro for 0,7Liters.

In another yt Video the Plantation OFTD is recommended as a good single rum for Mai Tais. The oftd costs 24,90(0,7 Liters) but due to its high abv you just need to use the half amount of rum in a Mai Tai so this saves you extra money.

I have now ordered a oftd and I will try it soon.



rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Replied 11 Nov '23

In Germany, Old Pascas Jamaica Rum is the best option for a cheap and flavourful rum (around 10 Euros). Old Pascas Dark Rum (a bit cheaper) is fine as well.

Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Replied 12 Nov '23

Thank you! Unfortunately the Old Pascas Jamaica is hard to get in Austria/Germany. I can easily get the OP Barbados but the only place where I found the Jamaica was at Amazon for 11Euros but 20Euros shipping 😭



rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Replied 12 Nov '23

In Germany, it is sometimes found in supermarkets. Worth keeping an eye open for.

Spirituosenwelt.at also has most of the Old Pascas rums.

Jan...JustJan (TASTING CLUB) 🇺🇸 | 38 ratings Replied 15 Nov '23

Your Mai Tai recipe is different than mine.  Mine does not use a light rum.  It uses an "anejo" (3 or 4 years of age) and a mature dark rum.  Most of the flavor is driven by the interaction between Curcao, lime juice and the almond flavor of the Orgeat syrup. I would avoid Bourbon barrel aged Rums, but otherwise, the choice has only a nominal impact on the overall flavor of the Mai Tai (in my recipe).

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 20 Nov '23

Maybe mix Coruba with Appleton Signature? No idea about Coruba or Appleton Sig. in Europe, but both of those are pretty dang cheap here in the USA.

Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Replied 20 Nov '23

Thank you:The coruba 40% Jamaica rum is about 16Euro for 0,7L, the Appleton Signature is about 20Euro.Would be 36Euro total which would be slighly cheaper than 2x worthy park 109 each 19Euro.

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 20 Nov '23

Well, at that point, I'd go Coruba and Worthy 109 if the Appleton is more expensive. That's flipped here with Worthy being themore expensive of the two.

Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Replied 21 Nov '23

@rumtrinker:You are right, Old Pascas Jamaican Rum is available at spirituosenwelt.at for 12Euros.Will I get a decent Mai Tai when just using this single rum or do I need to add another rum?

Alas avatar image
Alas 🇵🇷 | 604 ratings Replied 27 Nov '23

Diplomatico white

selva rey white

plantation 3 star white

Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Replied 28 Nov '23

Thank you Alas, but do you make a Mai Tai with one of these 3 White Rums or do you use all 3 together in a Mai Tai?



Alas avatar image
Alas 🇵🇷 | 604 ratings Replied 1 Dec '23

@Sektionchef depends on how stressful my week was lol. Nah just kidding I only use one.  Nutshell:

diplomatico white: a bit too sweet

plantation 3 star: a bit too strong (note i like overproofs neat, just don't like strong rum in cocktails)

selva rey white: is just right (its a panamanian don pancho white-labeled which makes sense as to why it's so good)


below my mai tai recipe  which i swiped from a bar called mai tai in hawaii (note true cocktailologists will scream blasphemy because it's not traditional yadda yadda, but it  tastes good)

1. white rum

2. banana liquor

3. blackberry liquor

4. orange juice

5. pineapple juice

6. splash of grenadine 

7. ice

8. small tropical umbrella

9. reggea or pink floyd music

10. hammock

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