
Where can I buy premium rum in Barcelona, Spain

Jagsroy avatar image
Jagsroy (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 296 ratings Author Posted 20 Sep '22

Looking at taking a cruise from Barcelona, Spain. Cannot seem to find any store that would carry premium rum ($100 +). Looking for suggestions.

Thank you

100mi_runr avatar image
100mi_runr 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings Replied 20 Sep '22

There is a Lafuente in Barcelona and they should. website is

lafuente dot es

Jagsroy avatar image
Jagsroy (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 296 ratings Author Replied 20 Sep '22

mwb1 🇬🇧 | 9 ratings Replied 24 Sep '22

Are you flying into/ out of the country? You could try duty free...

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 24 Sep '22


This has nothing to do with Barcelona, but I hope that you fared well for Hurricane Fiona. I saw images of the aftermath and it is mind blowing to see such devastation from a hurricane in Nova Scotia.

I am used to dealing with these monsters all of my life down here in Louisiana. If all that you got was power outages, consider yourself very lucky. I did get to walk out into the eye of one hurricane to see the stars at night.

Jagsroy avatar image
Jagsroy (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 296 ratings Author Replied 25 Sep '22

Thank you mwb1. My only issue withduty free is the choice of rum. I definitely want to bring back something that is not available in Canada. Checked the La Fuente site and they definitelyhave a good selection.


Jagsroy avatar image
Jagsroy (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 296 ratings Author Replied 25 Sep '22

Thank you Paul.jus got our power back. We had no news but innHalifax, where I live there was a lot od destruction from fallen trees. Cape Breton (northern part of Nova Scotia) was to be hit the hardest. Of course my priorities are:

1) Check out my rum sites

2) check outthe news. So off I go to see how much damagewas caused by Fiona!

Keith.t2576 🇬🇧 | 0 ratings Replied 25 Sep '22

As being a non EU citizen, when purchasing anything over the counter, don't forget to ask the store for a Duty/Tax for.  This to reclaim the Spanish spirit duty and their VAT.  Drop the form off at the departure customs office.  Some stores will automatically discount is store. The spirit duty will be about €3 per bottle, but the VAT is currently 21%Take passport as evidence.


Jagsroy avatar image
Jagsroy (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 296 ratings Author Replied 25 Sep '22

That is an awesome tip Keith. Will definitely take advantage of this. Thank you 👍

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 25 Sep '22


I just thought that I should warn you since you have been cut off from the news. Houses were washed into the sea in one of the coastal cities. I forgot the very long name of one.

Jagsroy avatar image
Jagsroy (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 296 ratings Author Replied 25 Sep '22

That was Port-Aux-Basques in Newfoundland.

lots of damage in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island as well. Today it's 70 F and the ocean is as calm as ever. How things change in only 1 day!

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 25 Sep '22

Glad that you fared well. Now you deserve one of your very best rums!!!

Last year, thanks to lots of rum, I slept right on through Hurricane Ida with 110 mph winds. I woke up to see the hellish damage the next day, but very little to my own house. Being without power for 76 hours on 100 degree days was an absolute nightmare that I am lucky to have survived. No power means no gasoline to get out of there. 

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