
Risk versus reward on rum purchases

Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author Posted 20 Jun '22

I have assembled the enclosed chart to show how much I have spent on rums versus the rewards. The categoy of $60 or more were all purchased with lots of help from fellow reviewers on this site. When I first started on here, my limit per bottle was only $50. My limit has now moved up to $150 and the most that I ever spent on a bottle was $231. The results in this chart speak for themselves. Some may also notice that 20 rums were not even reviewed on here.

Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ | 548 ratings Replied 21 Jun '22

Hey Paul, as always a great chart. I think that's also why you raised the limit from $50 to $150, but that looked very similar for me. What I also still see in the chart: don't buy cheap junk, there are no miracles. And if there are, very few.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author Replied 21 Jun '22


Yes, there are no miracles to be found in ultra cheap rums. Conversely, just because one spends a lot on a rum is no guarantee that it will rate as an 8 or higher.

I have always preferred graphs because of my engineering background. But since many others prefer charts with numbers, I chose that route this time. It is amazing what a very detailed spreadsheet will provide.

I still take a few chances on buying new rums, especially if there are no reviews for it on here. What I dread is getting stuck with another rum that I rate as a 5 or below.

Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ | 548 ratings Replied 21 Jun '22

Nothing is guaranteed. Yes, there are heaps of overpriced rum, which are then mostly overvalued due to their price (is probably some psychological phenomenon).

Trying new rums is always a risk. But no risk, no fun! By now you have certainly gained enough experience so you can estimate which you like or not. I prefer certain countries and styles and I'm usually not that wrong, but I also like to be surprised.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author Replied 21 Jun '22


I have always been a major risk taker, which drove former girlfriends nuts. Strangely enough, this is what affected my ex-wife's attraction to me. The second most dangerous thing that I ever did was fly into Montego Bay Jamaica in 1988 and rented a Toyota Starlet. It was a very nerve wracking drive to Ocho Rios driving on the wrong side of the road and being constantly interrupted by hustlers. I was wondering if I would get out of there alive. This pales in comparison to a very dangerous bicycle ride across the Mississippi River at age 19. Then there was the 1991 scuba dive down to 167 feet on the Louisiana oil rigs. Then it was a crazy year in the stock market in 2000. So compared to all of this and more, taking a risk on a new rum pales in comparison. Still in all, no one likes getting ripped off.

I recently picked up an "old favorite" rum, and only because it came with a pair of collectible glasses that are sure to go up in value after the company changes it's name. It was Plantation XO.Β  My goodness, has this stuff gone downhill!!! Notice that I do not call it a rum anymore.Β  I also lowered my rating on here from an 8 to a 6. It probably needs to get lowered down to a 5.

Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ | 531 ratings Replied 22 Jun '22

Paul & Rene,

Couldn't be clearer!

But on the other hand it's great when finding a cheap everyday rum around 20€, as English Harbour 5yo or Chairman's Reserve Orginal.

Btw, Paul, nice to see all your new reviews.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author Replied 23 Jun '22


Always good to hear from you, my friend!Β 

All of my recent reviews are not new, but could be more than one year old. As I try each new rum,Β  I rate them as ifΒ  I were reviewing them.Β  This at least gets me into the ballpark as far as my overall rankings go. My rankings and cost are what govern my decision for repeat purchases, which has always been my ultimate goal.Β 

I got really disgusted with reviewing more than a year ago. However, I kept tabs in my spreadsheet on which rums were never reviewed fully. This recent post in these Discussions showedΒ  that I had neglected to review about 20 rums. I then went back to post short reviews based upon my failing memory.Β  Somehow, it all worked, while keeping these new reviews short.

I am now at 447 reviews with only future risks to look forward to.

DB avatar image
DB πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 81 ratings Replied 23 Jun '22

Most impressive Paul!! Out of curiosity, why did you get disgusted with reviews? Had it just become boring or...??

Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author Replied 23 Jun '22


I vividly remember why I got disgusted with posting reviews about a year ago. In a nutshell, it was way too many Foursquare ECS fanboys on this site. I came to the conclusion that these fanboys were really bourbon drinkers who refused to admit that they moved on over to the much more wonderful world of rum. Rum is gluten free and bourbon is not. A nurse friend told me that only about 2 percent of all peop[le are truly allergic to gluten and that the gluten scare is all a hoax. However, with me switching from bourbon to rum and watching my health greatly improve, there is now a lot of merit in gluten free rums.

And I now refuse to waste any more money on the latest Foursquare ECS "rums" to hit the shelves. I am a rum lover. If I wanted my rum to tatse like bourbon, as in the case of most Foursquare ECS rums, then I could save a shit load of money and just buy bourbon.

I had also achieved my initial goal of finding my list of repeat purchases. However, my curiosity keeps me buying new rums that hit the shelves, with a slim possibility of each one making it into my top ten percent.

OdysseusUnbound avatar image
OdysseusUnbound πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ | 40 ratings Replied 23 Jun '22

Paul B,

Straight bourbons are gluten-free. Even wheated bourbons are gluten free as gluten doesn't "survive" the distillation process. That's straight from a "Living with Celiac" medical website. That said, there are a ton of esters and congeners in bourbon (and in other spirits) that may not have agreed with you. Only you know how your body feels after consuming something, but for the record, straight bourbons (without additives) are gluten-free.

Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ | 548 ratings Replied 24 Jun '22

Paul: Not to mention you in the eye of the hurricane with a glass of rum. By the way, Plantation XO is not soooo bad, is just a starter rum, which is no longer for you.

Stefan: Yes the little wonders, also the Cockspur 12, Doorly's 8 and The Real Mc Coy 5 are super bargains, here in Switzerland anyway.

OdysseusUnbound: I am also your opinion that distillates are basically free of gluten and other substances.Β 

OdysseusUnbound avatar image
OdysseusUnbound πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ | 40 ratings Replied 25 Jun '22

Rene: If I'm being honest, my "opinion" regarding gluten in spirits is kind of irrelevant. I trust the experts. I've been told by a whisky master blender and by Celiac experts that gluten doesn't survive the distillation. They are the experts; I am not. There are many other compounds in whisky (and rum) that might not agree with an individual's physiology. But gluten isn't one of them.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 477 ratings Author Replied 25 Jun '22

Gluten discussions or not, all that I know is that my kidney health greatly improved by abandoning bourbon and switching to rum. My kidney specialist was astonishesd at my findings. I need say no more.

Drink rum! Support the third world countries! My mom had told me that this was the worst excuse for drinking. She is long gone and I am still here. What more can I say!

bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura πŸ‡­πŸ‡· | 176 ratings Replied 27 Jun '22

some places producing rum are not third world countries, for example Martinique, Guadeloupe and Reunion are France, also some islands in the caribbean are not so bad for their inhabitants (like Barbados and St Lucia, they do some of the best rums available) and Paul, we have similar tastes if i compare our cabinets (not always but what you rated high, me too), and really many times i ve found that the price is not always a warranty of quality (especially if you don t like sweetened stuff), not tried foursquare ECS yet, will buy some samples because very curious to see how they are ...

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