
Rumratings club

cowboykidd  avatar image
cowboykidd 🇺🇸 | 12 ratings Author Posted 22 May '22

Who can tell me about the samples that are provided as part of the premium membership.  What kind of Rums are they sending and is it worth it?  I don't mind spending over $100 for a good rum on occassion, but for $500 per year, I just want to make sure that it is worth it.  

kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings Replied 23 May '22

I was a member for a year and I generally recommend it. Mind that they send you so various rums that you will likely hate some but there might be also done that you'll love. It helped me a lot to calibrate my preferences.

cowboykidd  avatar image
cowboykidd 🇺🇸 | 12 ratings Author Replied 9 Oct '22

Anybody received their kits yet?  Given that we are almost 4 weeks from the stated shipping date, just curious if anyone else has received theirs.

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cowboykidd 🇺🇸 | 12 ratings Author Replied 29 Oct '22

Is it fair to assume these are not being shipped?

Jay avatar image
Jay 🇺🇸 | 2 ratings Replied 19 Nov '22

From my own experience and from reading others experiences, this company has a poor follow through. Not sure how they are still in business. 

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