
Diplimatico Ambassador - Has it gone down over the years?

statoul (TASTING CLUB) 🇺🇸 | 1 rating Author Posted 10 Mar '22

After seeing high ratings for Diplomatico Ambassador here on this site and elsewhere ... after years of indecision I finally purchased a bottle at $265 US.  I was disappointed.  As a result I went back to the reveiws on this site to read and learn and I spotted a possible trend.  Reviews from 6+ years ago were high and more recent reviews were low.   I'm not a huge sherry cask fan but this bottle seemed to have more issues than just sherry cask.  At $265 I didn't feel it delivered any of the qualities that that price should deliver.  Can anyone out there confirm or deny my theory?  Has this rum gone from a highly rated rum years ago to a lessor liquid today?  I'm curious to know if people agree or if maybe I just got a bad bottle?  I'm keeping an open mind.  Please share your thoughts.

Andy avatar image
Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 148 ratings Replied 10 Mar '22

I first tried it a number of years ago at the UK Rumfest and thought it was one of the best rums I've ever tried. Bought a bottle maybe 1 yr ago and it's not as good as I remember. Maybe I have bad memory (certainly possible) or maybe it has changed...

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 10 Mar '22


I finally got my hands on a bottle about eight months ago. I started out with a 9 rating and it slowly went down to a 6 rating for me. This was because of way too much sherry aging. Check out my lengthy review on it. When you pull up the reviews on it, mine is the fifth one.

This wasted purchase also inspired one of my favorite sayings, "It's all relative". This means that when something expensive breaks at home or in your vehicle, the cost of that is all relative compared to this waste of money.

I also have no idea how good the older version was.

statoul (TASTING CLUB) 🇺🇸 | 1 rating Author Replied 12 Mar '22

As a follow up on the Diplomatico Ambassador (which I did not care for) I had a taste of the Diplomatico Single Vintage at a restaurant and found it to be quite enjoyable neat.  In fact way better than the Ambassador for half the money. 

Wolfe Tone avatar image
Wolfe Tone 🇳🇱 | 124 ratings Replied 17 Mar '22

Not sure it was ever good to begin with. Don't know if it has changed, but I remember it being sickeningly sweet, almost like a licqeur.

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