
Revisiting old favorites

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Posted 15 Feb '22

As many of you who follow my postings may know, I go through great pains to get my rums properly ranked because that percentage winds up being twice of what the cost percentage is. This helps to assist me in my decisions for repurchases.

I always have 15 open bottles to choose from and some of my old favorites no longer appeal to me. I have mentioned this before, but I will mention this again. One's judgement of a rum is affected by what they had to eat before hand and/or their mood. One's taste buds also evolve over the years. As one can guess, this will vary tremendously.

For example, you all may know that I rated Dictador rums highly because they are aged in barrels that previously held coffee beans and/or aguariente.  I recently tried my Dictador 20 and that initial thrill was gone. It is still good, but not in my top three. 

As another example, I ranked Foursquare ECS Shibboleth as my new number one. Well, it was the combination of finding masterfully blended rums that cost more along with being tired of going on a wild goose chase to find another bottle of Shibboleth that changed my ranking.

The moral of this story is that today's number one rum for anyone may not wind up as the same ranking months later. However, these adjustments in rankings barely affect my decison for repurchases because I have rated more than 400 of them.

Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings Replied 15 Feb '22

Dear Paul, That's the beauty of life and rum, everything is in flow and constantly changing. Your experiences and adventures with rum bring everything with it and that's a good thing. That's the rum journey! I'm leaving my old ratings unchanged, even if I wouldn't rate many rums as highly today. That was my taste at the time, today it's different.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 15 Feb '22


My ratings very rarely change, but my rankings within each rating often change. I have way too many 7 ratings and even more 6 ratings, so a lot of juggling around can happen.

dae 🇲🇴 | 0 ratings Replied 15 Feb '22

Still haven't opened my Shibboleth, you are certainly hyping this up for me!

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