
Cuban rum

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Neman3 (PREMIUM) 🇨🇦 | 307 ratings Author Posted 20 Dec '21

I'm traveling to Cuba. Planning to try at least Havana Club 15, Santiago de Cuba 20. What else would you recommend? Max price 200 CUCs|euro|USD.

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings Replied 21 Dec '21

There is also a distillery in Spiritus Sancti, I believe less popular but you can give it a try

Jean Jean 🇫🇷 | 2 ratings Replied 26 Dec '21

Try legendario elixir for the experience. Distillery Santiago is not bad.

The more important is to taste a Daiquiri at  Havana.


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