
Another rum changed for the worse - Ron bermudez Aniversario 12 Anos

Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Author Posted 9 Aug '21

The Bermudez Aniversario is a rum that I really like. Not everyone's cup of tea, but hits the right spot for me. But new packaging and new taste. Out goes the frosted bottle and screw cap, and in comes a bottle without the frosting and a cork (plastic one). But they've done something to the rum. I suspect that there is more sugar in it, that masks a lot of the subtle flavours and makes it not particularly nice. It's almost as if the rum is younger as well, though it still states 12yo - maybe the old blend had more older rums in as well. Such a shame, as for an inexpensive rum, I was really fond of it. Not that keen on the commercial (as opposed artisanal) approach to the new rum
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 9 Aug '21

Maybe they "improved" it for the mass market with sugar, to make it milder. Could be the right decision to increase the sells. Of course not the right decision for pure rum drinkers, but it was always a rum for the mass market.It's from a multicolum distillation, far from great but also not bad. They sell the rum often as bulk ware therefore there is no advertising. I think Kirk&Sweeney could be made of Bermudez rum.
Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Author Replied 10 Aug '21

I though about Kirk & Sweeney when writing this, as it is another example of "improving" the blend. The K&S 12yo was already a commercial rum, but one that I personally found quite drinkable, The "improved" K&S 12 Reserva is now, IMO (of course a personal thing), undrinkable. And yes, absolutely, mass market is more important than "aficionado" - or those of us who like to think we are! :) - and these companies are in business to sell as much as possible rather than appeal to a niche market. There are other producers who do that - eg Foursquare As for Bermudez Aniversario 12yo, it was never the best rum in the world, so yes I have to agree with you that it was far from great. But working in the alcohol trade, I find that those spirits/wines which are far from great, often have a big appeal with their idiosyncrasies, which some might even call faults. Bermudez had that, but sugaring it up, just takes those idiosyncrasies away and adds it to the plethora of uninspiring rums. For 16€ I'm not expecting too much, just a shame in my eyes, that they've changed things.
Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings Replied 10 Aug '21

It's a normal thing that things change time to time it calls the dynamic of the market. The rum market is growing, so the Distillers do everything to increase their production, but you cannot double the amount of a 12 yo rum in 6 years without a lack or loss of aromas. Unfortunately, things we love changes too. For my part, I don't really care, because I usually do not buy the same rum twice (except some mix rum like OFTD etc.) and I love single cask editions. In the last years quite a lot changed, Ron Esclavo for example they changes distiller and bottle layout, label looks much nicer, but the rum....(wrote separate topic). Same with Malteco, once distilled and stored in Guatemala, now in Panama, because Zacapa needs the whole capacity for their new line up. Sorry, don't cry a tear for cheap mass stuff. ;-) It's always sad if a rum is gone you loved. Go and hunt for old bottles, store it well and enjoy one by one on birthdays or x-mas.
Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Author Replied 13 Aug '21

Rene, I get the bit about not buying the same rum twice, but I'm slightly different. I have my cheaper or everyday house rums - this one, Sunset Cpt Bligh XO, Appleton 12yo, Doorly's 5yo etc etc - which I do buy repeatedly.
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