
Home Blends

Yohobro 🇨🇦 | 85 ratings Author Posted 7 Jun '21

I just mixed my first blend and found it quite appealing. It was ED12 and Angostura 7 at 50/50. I didn’t want to use anything too pricey but I was so curious to try to mix flavours and was pleasantly surprised.  I can see this kind of thing being pretty fun and was wondering if anyone had some go to mixes they like. Cheers! 
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 8 Jun '21

Yohobro: Brilliant! You mixed a sugar bomb with a dry rum. Two decent rums blended together surely made one better rum overall. In my case, I don't have one specific blend because these blends come by quite spontaneously and quite often. However, I do add notes to the end of many of my reviews such as Ron Medellin 8 Year being recommended for toning down sugar bombs like ED12. Your Angostura 7 substitution sounds even better. In the rum world, there are a lot of cases of two wrongs making a right!
Yohobro 🇨🇦 | 85 ratings Author Replied 8 Jun '21

Yeah I didn’t want to go too crazy and start mixing more than two at a time but I can see how this would be a frequent endeavour. I think two complex rums might be a bad move as well if there’s just too much going on. Super fun!
rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Replied 8 Jun '21

I like 1/3 Appleton 12 mixed with 2/3 Pusser's (blue or black, both work fine).
Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Replied 14 Jul '21

I bought a bottle of ED12 as it was on offer. I really don't like it, so will be a candidate for blending. Problem is what with..... I think I might have found what I have to hand, as I seem to have just revisited the ED12 and poured it in what I thought was an empty glass, but had Doorly's XO in it. I've a case or so of that, so will experiment as what's currently in the glass isn't too bad.
Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Replied 15 Jul '21

Well, I've thought about the El Dorado 12yo, a rum I really don't like, and how to blend up to something I do quite like. I chose not to go down the Doorly's XO, as I realised I had a young rum that I wasn't the greatest fan of that I could possibly use. It was Mezan's Chiriqui which is a 3yo Panamanian (finished in Moscatel cask). The Moscatel doesn't add too much sweetness at all. The young rum, which has no sugar added, helps mellow out the ED12. 50:50 was just fine. And then I did something a bit naughty. I thought that I would add a small bit of Mezan 2008 Guyana to it. Helped give a bit of sophistication. And then while I was at it, I carried on being naughty and added some Mezan 2007 Jamaica. I guess the vintage Mezans make up about 10%. Now got a perfectly nice and easy drinking rum, which has a bit of sophistication to it.
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