
RUM Suggestions Please...

BigMarcus 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings Author Posted 7 May '21

Greetings fellow Rum enthusiasts! I made the switch from Cognac to sipping Rums @ a decade ago and haven't looked back! 😁 I have tried as many as I can find in my area of N TX. I definitely have preference: Ultra Smooth and on the Sweeter side! My current Favorites: Plantation XO, Centenario 20, Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva, El Pasador, Zaya, El Dorado 12. You get the idea. 😉So I want to add to my collection and taste buds by trying your suggestions? My target price point is $100 or less, unless it will completely blow me away based on my preference of smooth and sweet, I'll go up some. I would like to buy these asap! And I will absolutely return to give you my thoughts after buying...Salud, Marcus 🥃
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 7 May '21

Riise Non Plus Ultra is very smooth and very sweet. Have you tried Don Papa? Zacapa XO would be my favourite. Smooth and sweet is also the Millonario XO.
Jaxon21 avatar image
Jaxon21 🇺🇸 | 3 ratings Replied 7 May '21

Diplomatico is currently my favorite, but in a close second is Mount Gay XO around 50 bucks and Ron Zacapa XO from 80-120 bucks. You have a great liquor store in Texas called Total Wine and More that has a great selection.
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 7 May '21

I suggest almost everything that’s Latin styled, maybe except Cuban rum that ain’t as sweet as most others. My favorites when it comes to Latin styled rum is Ron Zafra and Malecon Rare Proof but I also like Unhiq, Cubaney 25-30yo, Qourhum 30 and Opthimus 25yo Malt Finish and Oporto finish all from Oliver & Oliver. Picture: My Oliver & Oliver shelf.
rumtrinker 🇩🇪 | 45 ratings Replied 8 May '21

Personally, I think that Diplomatico is ticking all the boxes. It is also reasonably priced. I doubt that sweet rums get much better with higher price tags, but that is - obviously - a personal opinion and I did not yet have a chance to taste many of the more expensive sweet rums. No offense intended, but ultra-smooth and sweet is very easy to do and you do really not need to spend all that money on "premium" rums, unless you want to. Honestly, I would look into liqueurs more if I was you. Not sure what is available where you live, but German supermarkets (not to speak of specialist retailers) carry a very wide variety of sweet liqueurs. Sweet herbal liqueurs might be worth looking into. As are - obviously - rum liqueurs and spiced rums. Just an idea. Other than that, the rum style you are referring to is not my favourite style and I might be missing the point entirely.
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Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 8 May '21

Rumtrinker, I think that that over sweetened rum, which ain’t rum according to the EU definition can be really good if the sweetness is balanced with an higher ABV, for example the Malecon Rare Proofs.But overall I’m not a fan of this type of rum, which actually should be called spirit drink.
BigMarcus 🇺🇸 | 24 ratings Author Replied 9 May '21

Thanks guys! Yes. I shop locally at Total Wine and Specs. They are large and generally have large selection. I will try some of your recommendations and respond... 👍🏽🥃
kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings Replied 16 May '21

No idea if it's not too late to post here but if you like Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva then maybe you will also like Diplomatico Single Vintage or the Ambassador Selection.
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