
Good white rum?

Pirate avatar image
Pirate 🇬🇷 | 30 ratings Author Posted 28 Jan '21

I want some good white rum, but i am interested only in readily accessible brands. So, i have 2 questions this time round: a. St. Lucia, Flor de Cana, El Dorado, Clement or Rhum J.M. white rum? If you recommend the Flor de Cana, the cristillino or the normal? b. Which of the above is better to make my own pineapple and mango flavoring, to use it as base?
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 28 Jan '21

Pirate: a. Stick with El Dorado 3 Year. Clement and Rhum J.M are both rhum agricoles and in a different classification altogether. Never judge by the color. b. Just grab a bottle of Barbancourt Pango, which is Haitian rhum agricole mixed with pineapple and mango
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 28 Jan '21

About the molasses based I recommend both the El Dorado and the St. Lucia Chairman’s Reserve, cause the ED is based on the Demerara sugar cane and the Chairman’s is a blend of pot still and column still. That makes these two quite flavorful. As you probably have seen I’m also a fan of Agricole Blanc because of the rich flavors. Of the two you mentioned I would recommend the J.M. About your question b) I’m not qualified to answer you.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 28 Jan '21

I'm not a fan of white rum, but HAMPDEN RUM FIRE would be my recommendation. Also the Worthy Park Rum Bar White. I think both are more fruity than the rums you mentioned.
Pirate avatar image
Pirate 🇬🇷 | 30 ratings Author Replied 28 Jan '21

@Paul B That Barbancourt brand has long sparked my fancy, but unfortunately, no retailers list it here... I was also in search of a spiced rum with Voodoo herbs from Haiti before, but from what i see, i might never find it to taste. The best stuff is out of my reach, alas (from the non available products in my locale and near vicinity, i would also like a real McCoy). @Stefan Persson Thank you! It's hard to find good white rum and truth be said, St. Lucia is my most favorite distiller ever (even though i have tasted only their spiced and 1931). Truth be said, i was expecting you to recommend me the Clement Blanc first, but since J.M. is a spectacular brand as well and i was mindblown by their XO, i will try to locate theirs! That settles it, then! Much obliged! @vomi1011 I know Hampden's great, trully superior as a brand, but i am not ashamed to admit, it is a bit too expensive for my current state... Worthy park is nice too and readily available here (at least through online orders); i see they have an Overproof White rum! Guess what? I'll get this one to flavor with fresh pineapple and mango, i bet it is going to fit in nicely! P.S. To buy list: El Dorado White, St. Lucia White, Rhum J.M. White, Worthy Park white overproof!
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 28 Jan '21

Vomi, I actually ordered one bottle of Rum Fire and one bottle of Rum-Bar White Overproof together with two bottles of Rivers Antoine 69% I have an expectation that they can compete with the flavours of Agricole Blanc. Both the Rum Fire and the Rum-Bar is pure pot still rum made of molasses and I think it will be interesting to compare it with the Wray & Nephew that is a mix of pot still and column still. The Rivers Antoine, one of the true epic rums still made as they did when starting up the year 1785, is also a pot still rum but made of cane juice. It will be great and interesting to taste it.
RumGuy1 avatar image
RumGuy1 🇺🇸 | 54 ratings Replied 29 Jan '21

I liked Habitation Velier Forsyths WP 502 White. It's a nice overproof, really smooth. I love the notes of passionfruit and ripe bananas.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 29 Jan '21

This thread is as good as any to ask this question. Which Jamaican over proof is better, Rum Fire or Wray And Nephew? Rum Fire has only two bad reviews, but Wray And Nephew has multiple bad reviews including mine, which I have rated as the fourth all time worst rum that I have tried. I could have gotten a bottle of Rum Fire a few days ago, but awful memories of that Wray And Nephew Overproof came to mind and kept me from buying it's competitor. What gives?
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 29 Jan '21

They are on the same level. But if someone doesn't like one of them, there is no need to try the other. https://thefatrumpirate.com/rum-fire-velvet-jamaican-white-overproof-rum https://thefatrumpirate.com/wray-nephew-white-overproof-rum Rumpirate: "From memory, Rum Fire Velvet White Jamaican Overproof Rum doesn’t seem quite as pungent and vegetal as either Rum Bar Overproof or Wray and Nephew’s famous White Overproof. It seems fairly low(ish) in terms of esters. Maybe a little more accessible to the newbie. There are of course notes of Bruised Banana and slightly fermented tropical fruits. Pineapple Juice, Guava and a touch of Mango. It has a slightly sour aroma as well and some strong notes of sweet alcohol and an almost “stony” like quality. I’ve given this a bit of time in the glass but it wasn’t all that in your face, when I initially poured it."
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 29 Jan '21

I can not say for sure that there is any major difference between them because I have not yet tasted the “Rum Fire" or the “Rum-Bar Overproof". It would really surprise me if there isn’t a significant difference cause the “Wray & Nephew Overproof" is a blend of pot and column still while the other two only contain pot still rum. They should be more Esters rich and funky. I’ll be back with reviews after tasting them against each other.
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 29 Jan '21

Forgot to mention another epic molasses based white rum that deserves to be mentioned, the “Sunset Very Strong Rum”. Have one on my shelf, but haven’t tasted it yet. It just contain column still rum as SVDL uses a double column still, which should make it different from the Jamaican stuff. It’s one of the strongest rums in the world, 84,5%. Only the “Marienburg 90” beats it. To get that one you have to go to Suriname, but they have an export version at 81%.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 29 Jan '21

Stefan: As usual, you seem to have pegged my answer! The inclusion of column still rum to Wray And Nephew Overproof is what probably ruins it. Fellow reviewers either love it or hate it. I tried to light it on fire and failed at that. The Rum Fire Overproof is a product from Hampden, which I was never impressed with on my first and only bottle from them. This is why I left that bottle on the shelf in Florida a few days ago.
Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings Replied 29 Jan '21

Hey Pirate, I go with RumGuy1, the Velier bottlings are absolutely gorges. The Forsyths WP 502 White is great, a little bit gluey taste but very rich. The other white Velier I own, are more aromatic, they are Forsyths WPE, Hampden LROK, Long Pond STCE and Savanna HERR an absolutely new experience with withe rum for me and I fell in love with them. I also like to mention the Clairin from Haiti. HSE is also a good choice also Clement Colonne Créole and Neisson L'Espirit of Neisson 70. Point b. I know the fruit flavoured rum from La Reunion (Rhum Arrangé). I would put the fruits into rhum agricole.
RumGuy1 avatar image
RumGuy1 🇺🇸 | 54 ratings Replied 30 Jan '21

@Rene Rum How is the Clarin rum from Haiti? Is it worth a try?
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 30 Jan '21

RumGuy1: As long as you stay away from clairins from Saint Benevolence, they are worth a try. However, the best that I can compare them to are the artisan cachacas from Brazil. If you don't like any of those, then try the clairins at your own risk.
MatLen 🇬🇷 | 15 ratings Replied 30 Jan '21

Hello Pirate! You can find Barbancourt 4 years Old Agricole online in Cavagreco store. If you order online I am positive that you will get it in a good price even in delay dew to quarantine delivery situations. Regarding the white rum question I would go for El Dorado (fine rum from Guyana). Flor de Cana 4 years is extra dry , absolutely better than the usual light Rum-pulp in Super Markets (like Bacardi or Havana Club), but I would go for Flor de Cana reserverd 7 years instead of their white one.
Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings Replied 3 Feb '21

@RumGuy1 I know the Casimir and Sajous (is the better one). Clairins are fermented wild, without fine yeast, so every batch taste different. If you like Agricoles it's worth a try.
vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 4 Feb '21

Sajous (the 3y old) is very good, never had the white one, but I think they all are not bad. Btw. there is a fresh review of the new Rum Fire Overproof. https://therumrobin.com/2021/02/04/review-21-rum-fire/
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 7 Feb '21

Hi Guys! Promised that I should come back after having tasting the “Rum-Bar White Overproof“, the “Hampden Rum Fire Overproof” and “Rivers Antoine Royal Grenadian” with a comparison against the “Wray & Nephew White Overproof”. The Rum-Bar is a blend of WPEL, WPL and WPE rum from the Worthy Park distillery. The Rum Fire is a triple distilled HLCF rum which gives 500-600 esters level. The Rivers Antoine is sugar cane juice based, wild fermented and bottled straight from the still. In nose I think they are all three more pungent, esters rich and funkier than the W&N, probably because they all three are pure pot stills while the W&N is a blend of pot still and column still rum. Rank: Rum-Bar, Rivers Antoine, Rum Fire, W&N. In mouth and palate they’re all four fruity and more or a little less complex, flavorful, funky, briny, etc with a medium to a long finish. Rank: Rivers Antoine, Rum Fire, W&N, Rum-Bar. The last rank is also my overall rank, even if it’s very tight between Rivers Antoine and Rum Fire to be number one and almost the same is the situation between W&N and Rum-Bar about third place. I believe that we all will think different about these rums, but what is sure is that they differ more than expected. Directly after the tasting I drunk an Agricole Blanc and I can now say that these four, and especially the top duo, can compete with the Agricole’s Blanc. If you’re interested, I will publish my reviews relatively soon. Picture: My white funky rum from Jamaica and Grenada.
Kamamura avatar image
Kamamura 🇨🇿 | 37 ratings Replied 8 Feb '21

My votes go to Havana Club 3y (not available in the US) and Wray and Nephew Overproof.
Rene Rum avatar image
Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 548 ratings Replied 7 Mar '21

@Stefan After reading your text and rating I found a bottle of W&N Overproof. What a goodness! For that price! I'm not sure, should the bottle stand by the mixers or the Jamaican rum?
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 8 Mar '21

Rene, It fits in both places! It’s great sipping neat and probably one of the best and most used high quality mixer rums. Cause you’d like it I’m sure you will love the Rum Fire and the Rivers Antoine if you can find them.
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