
Comparison of rum glasses

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Posted 12 Dec '20

Ever since I broke my long term favorite Courvosier cognac snifter (while completely sober), I have been on the hunt for replacement glasses for rum. Enclosed is a picture of the three candidates for replacement. The one on the left is my newly acquired snifter in this year's gift set for Remy Martin VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac. So far, this is the glass of my choice. Great for breathing aromas and no stem actually comes in handy. However, be careful when it gets completely wet from washing it! The one in the middle is a slightly enlarged Glencairn glass that I was lucky enough to find. Notice that the curves have been removed. A close second place to the new snifter. The one on the right is called the Rum Taster. I had doubts at first, and then I loved it. Then the novelty wore off. It is best used for rums with high ethanol aromas to swirl them around the "rock" in the middle to get those unwanted vapors out of there. After those vapors are gone, it serves the purpose of sipping only a few drops at a time. I now have very little use for this glass. So where I am I heading with this? It is now apparent that my search for new rums has come to an end. Where I live, spirits cannot be sent to me, Cuba is off limits, and I am no longer willing to drive more than 50 miles to find new rums at acceptable prices. My goal with trying each new rum is in the hopes that it will rate as an 8 or 9, with serious doubts that it could compete with my two rums that I have rated as a 10. In the past few months, only about 5 percent of these risks on new rums have cracked into my ratings of 8 or higher. Most wound up as a 6 or 7, but this is a very crowded field. Thankfully, very few wound up with my rating of 5 or below. So at 352 ratings, I feel that now is the time to call it quits in my search for new rums. I already have a list of 40 great rums worthy of repeat purchase, which is less than 12% of what I have rated in the last three years. From the beginning, my goals have been threefold: great tasting, reasonably priced, and easily replaced. There are now just too many rave reviews of rums that can never be replaced, the one and dones as a few others have called them. As for rums costing more than $50 US, I took chances on 32 of them over these past 3 years. At this price, I feel that most of them should have rated as an 8 or better. However, only 11 of them fell into this category, which is about 35%. Four of them actually rated below a 6, which is totally pathetic, especially for than kind of money. In other words, costly rums do not always equate to better quality. As for investing in rums, one is better off betting on the race horses or position trading in the stock market. I have done both and it is much simpler to just enjoy life instead of hoping to strike it rich with long shots. Do I play the lottery? Hell no!!!!
VikingXO avatar image
VikingXO 🇩🇰 | 170 ratings Replied 12 Dec '20

In my opinion the two best glasses: Erik Bagger or Luigi Bormioli
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 12 Dec '20

Folks in Europe do not seem to understand. Where I live, I cannot even get those glasses!!!! I live in the USA, which proclaims itself to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, but I am afraid that the truth is that this slogan is only in name only!. As for now, my beloved country is going through an attempted coup that will ultimately fail. I need to get a hold of a premium rum costing no more than $300 for January 20th when tRrump is dragged out of the White House kicking and screaming like the man child that he is. That will be cause for one major celebration!!!!! P.S. Long stemmed glasses as pictured for wine lovers never got along with me!
VikingXO avatar image
VikingXO 🇩🇰 | 170 ratings Replied 12 Dec '20

@Paul B Well, then I would go for the glass in the middle. The Glencairn. Cheers!
Xaria1k 🇺🇸 | 0 ratings Replied 12 Dec '20

vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Replied 12 Dec '20

These glasses are in great demand in german forums. They are custom made, I think they could be made also in USA. They seem to increase the smell. https://www.glaswerkstatt-tappert.de/index.php/webshop2/fuer-den-wiskey-freund/product/view/8/37 https://www.simple-sample.de/p/simple-sample-the-nose-mini https://www.simple-sample.de/p/simple-sample-the-nose-diamonds-edition I like these two. The Glencairn I got as a gift from a shop and the ELD costs 4€ over here. :)
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 12 Dec '20

For anyone who chooses to ignore the current political turmoil in the USA, I have a steamboat to sell you in the middle of the desert and it is in mint condition! It is surrounded by plenty of Saguaro Cactus plants. I will only take 100 grand of your money for it. Trust me just like you trusted Don The Con!!! Rum and politics do indeed combine, like it or not!!!!
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 13 Dec '20

My intro about rum glasses was just to catch everyone's attention as to the true meaning of this thread, and it succeeded,. However, very few commented on the rest of my initial thread, which basically says that I now quit submitting reviews on this site (until I happen upon a rum that I have not tried and is worth the long shot monetary risk). I now have my list of about 40 repeat purchases after three years and need to go no further. By the way, my favorites from the late eighties and early nineties did not make in onto this list, so I really thank fellow reviewers on this site for boosting up my list of favorites. Being easily replaced is a VERY important part of my rum world! For instance, Clairin De Rocher and Depaz Blue Cane Amber are two fantastic rums that I was lucky enough to find along the way. However, the merchant where I found those told me that both were a one shot deal. This is another reason why I refuse to try any more rums from the one shot deals at Foursquare ECS. Gimme a glass of readily available Doorly's XO neat and I am quite happy!
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 13 Dec '20

Regarding the glasses, I collect glasses with a logo on cause it’s nice to have them in my rum bar. The tumbler glasses on the left (Damoiseau et al Agricole brands) are very nice, but they also work great to drink rum from. The glasses in the middle (Appleton & El Dorado) aren’t that good in my opinion. To the right is a Zacapa glass, a Glencairn glass and a glass from 1423's Advent calendar that looks like a miniature of the Zacapa glass. All three are good and the mini glass is very effective when you want to hand warm your rum. Paul I think I understand what you mean, with so many tested bottles it will be difficult to find new rum that is good enough if you are not willing to pay very high prices. It is a pity that you can’t shop online where you live. I still have a long way to go to your level in terms of number of ratings and I still have about 35 unopened and unrated bottles at home and still have about 65 bottles on my wish list, and besides that I can buy online from countries inside EU. Like you, I try to avoid buying rum that isn’t possible to repurchase even if I have some, especially from the brands where I try to get a complete shelf. For that reason, I avoid independent bottlers (even though I know the contents of these bottles are almost always good), but I also avoid them for more reasons. On the one hand, I think my bar will be much more boring, how fun would it look with a bar full of bottles from CdI, Kill Devil or Verlier? Then I also think that they have become far too expensive, don’t think that the price reflects the content. So those people who have too much money or are just speculating in price increases can do it. It seems like quite a lot of these bottles end up in auctions over and over again. Personally, I will never sell any of my bottles even though some are worth more than six times more than the purchase price. I have never bought and will never buy a bottle for speculative purposes. Finally, Paul, I will also be celebrating January 20th.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 13 Dec '20

Stefan: Thanks you so much!!! Reading your response at daybreak made me feel like Santa Claus came overnight! Your glass collection is quite impressive and this is the time of the year to scoop up on those glasses that come with the gift boxes. And always be thankful that you can get almost any rum that you desire where you live. I live where the laws of Prohibition are still rearing their ugly heads to a degree. Sure, nearby New Orleans is known for drinking on the streets and debauchery during Mardi Gras, but when it comes to fine spirits, forget it. We do have lots of sugar cane growing nearby, and craft rum producers are always popping up. Each new craft rum is always a very risky purchase because it takes many years to finally make a rum that is damn good. Cane cutting time is always in October. Any suggestions on a very special rum to celebrate the inauguration on January 20th? Right now, I am leaning to my once per year bottle of Ron Zacapa XO that is always available.
kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings Replied 13 Dec '20

Paul B, I'm glad you rated these glasses, i think I will follow your recommendation and buy the one you liked the most. I used to drink from glencraine but recently I read several articles and vomi's comments on this forum. Captain Jimbo did extensive research on glass choice, which you probably know but I include it here http://rumproject.com/menuitem3.html I also read about Luca Garganto's tasting of the century, where they used red wine glasses. Go on and try it, shy rums really open up in these. I have to admit I am not able to understand why you refuse to drink one-timers. Could you guys comment more in this? I used to think that the fact the experience can not be repeated makes it exceptional, in a sense. I was always excited to try limited editions. I mean I'm not forcing you to change your minds, I'm just really curious why it is off-putting for you to drink one-timers.
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 13 Dec '20

Kudzey So called tulip glasses is also really good sipping rum from. About so called “one-timers” it’s not them I dislike it’s the independent bottlers. I have no problem buying a limited Foursquare rum even if I prefer something possible to rebuy, but I will never buy a Velier containing Foursquare, but I must admit that I own three bottles of Velier's rum from English Harbour. I know that Velier bottles contain real good rum so I have no problem tasting them when offered, but there will never be a place for them in my rumbar containing around 125 different bottles. There’s mainly two reasons. First I think a bar full of similar bottles is uninteresting. Similar bottles can be nice to a certain level, ie you have a number of bottles from the same producer, but it will be terribly uninteresting if the bottles with rum from for example Foursquare, Worthy Park, Hampden and Monymusk all look the same. Second, I think that the price don’t match the content. In addition, the number of bottles is so small that most of us are referred to the secondary market with its overprices, which makes it even more uninteresting. Picture: My only Velier.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 13 Dec '20

Kudzey: As for one-timers, there is nothing worse than going back to the store to buy some more and being told that I bought the last bottle. Had I known that before hand, I would have never even bought it. That bottle of Depaz Cane Blue wound up making the most perfect Mai Tai that I have ever tasted and now that rhum is no longer available where I live or within 200 miles. As for the Foursquare ECS rums, I have tried three and only liked the Zinfandel Cask. I have never seen any more bottles for sale, and I certainly don't go for auctions. So knowing that most of the Foursquare ECS rums have a heavy bourbon flavor while being quite expensive, I will wisely buy no more of them. Also, since a readily available dry rum from St. Lucia tastes better than any Foursquare ECS rum and comes with only a $47 US price tag, why buy something more costly that will be impossible to replace?By the way, this rum is called Admiral Rodney HMS Princessa.
BigChief17 avatar image
BigChief17 🇺🇸 | 53 ratings Replied 14 Dec '20

Can't believe this post started yesterday. I just ordered the Glencarin and Rum Taster today! It blew my mind to come to the site and see this post with those very two glasses. By the way, New Orleans does have the Black Duck Bar at Palace Café. Great rums with knowledgeable bartenders.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 14 Dec '20

BigChief 17: Years ago, I searched in vain for what rums were available at Black Duck Bar. There were very few that I had not already tried at the time, so I never made it there. Having grown up in uptown New Orleans and then moving across the big pond to the northeast 23 years ago, I now absolutely dread driving into the "shitty". Also Mayor Queen Latoya has closed down all of the bars due to the pandemic. But thanks for reminding me about Black Duck Bar. The Rum Bar on Magazine Street is one place that had a very large selection of rums to sample and that is where I got to try my only true Cuban rum. I can also thank them for letting me compare Appleton 21 and Blackwell's Reserve side by side, and I actually preferred the cheaper one.
Charles M 🇬🇧 | 150 ratings Replied 4 Feb '21

I use the glasses that came in a Mezan Jamaica XO pack. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/81/b4/dc/81b4dc7b73cc8089610ba56fa1a8c3b9.png
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