
How much rum do you drink?

Immiketoo 🇬🇷 | 60 ratings Author Posted 7 Oct '20

Just curious about what amount people consume? I find myself enjoying the various bottles I’ve found quite a lot. I would say a drink or two a day is about right for me. What about you?
Midway 🇸🇪 | 13 ratings Replied 7 Oct '20

I consume around 5cl three times a week on average- almost a bottle per month.
Rum Funk avatar image
Rum Funk 🇸🇬 | 10 ratings Replied 8 Oct '20

I drink only on Saturday night, about 2 to 3 glass. Removing all the anxiety and hit the bed LOL
Immiketoo 🇬🇷 | 60 ratings Author Replied 8 Oct '20

@rum funk yeah I have two and I am ready for bed myself! Three and I’d better be laying down with I finish the last one!
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 8 Oct '20

For me it varies a lot how often I drink. But when I drink it will be 2-4 glasses of 4-6cl usually then so that I test two different rums against each other.
Immiketoo 🇬🇷 | 60 ratings Author Replied 8 Oct '20

@Stefan I tended to pick one and stick with it for a while. I may have to give the head to head challenge a try.
Stefan Persson avatar image
Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings Replied 10 Oct '20

@Immiketoo Yes, I think that’s a good idea. I usually take what I believe is a similar rum, that I have rated a 8, to compare a new one with. Then I take one that I rated a 9 or a 7 to compare it with, which one I take depends on if it’s better or worse than the 8. And so I go on until I get it on its right level. If none of the tasted rums are new to me, I take two that I have rated the same just to check if my ratings still are valid.
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 10 Oct '20

Stefan: You sound just as detailed as me. I always swap rums around for tasting. In the few instances when I ask myself why I ranked a rum too high or too low, then it's time for side by side comparisons to move it up or down in my overall rankings. Rarely does my rating change unless I gradually empty the bottle and it starts to be really offensive. It is extremely rare for one of my rums to move up in my ratings. The overall rankings are very important to me because those are what decide which rums to buy again compared to cost. Taste counts twice as much as cost, plain and simple. For example, I got three new white rums today. So I simply sort my spreadsheet by rum type and overall ranking. Then I adjust my overall ranking for the new rum as a half step (74.5 for example). Then I sort the whole spreadsheet again to see where the new rum fits in for the grand scheme of things. After all of the new ones get their new rankings, I renumber all of them again. This seems like a lot of work, but is only child's play compared to what I did during my career. Oh yes, back to the original topic of how much we drink. I have been through 5 approaching hurricanes and tropical storms this year. Luckily, there was no direct hit. Last night, I had to endure 30-50 mph winds in the dark with no electricity thanks to Category 2 Hurricane Delta (100 mph) striking the coast 200 miles to my west. Tree branches constantly come crashing down on the roof and it is quite nerve wracking. And you guessed it, lots of rum is how one can ride these storms out. The famous Hurricane drink in it's signature glass was named after the glass that surrounded kerosene lamps needed for power outages during hurricanes. In between hurricanes, rum is for gentle sipping.
Immiketoo 🇬🇷 | 60 ratings Author Replied 10 Oct '20

Hey Paul, I agree. Many of my initial ratings have gone down. None have gone up. The more I drink rum, the more I realize how erroneous my initial ratings were. As for hurricanes, I have no such excuse, but I still manage to kill a few bottles a month :)
Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Replied 10 Oct '20

Immiketoo: Try riding out a direct hit Category 2 hurricane (100 mph winds or greater) with a belly full of rum while tree branches keep crashing down and damaging one's roof. The courage from the rum is the only way to be able to climb up a ladder in between feeder bands and remove the tree branches before they do any more damage. I rode out a Category 3 hurricane (125 mph) as a 10 year old. The whole house shook for about two hours. I swore to never again ride out anything greater that a Category 2 hurricane. Those who choose to ride out a Category 5 hurricane basically have a death wish. Lucky for you, these damn storms never hit your neighborhood. In late 1996, I had to ride out a Category 2 hurricane aboard a 110-foot scuba diving yacht in 15 foot seas. No fun and there was no rum!
Immiketoo 🇬🇷 | 60 ratings Author Replied 11 Oct '20

Paul, I am happily comfortable here in the Aegean, where we are protected from that kind of craziness! Now, impending war with the Turks, that’s another matter entirely. Curiously, rum helps there too...lol. I have been on a sailboat here in pretty choppy seas, and I hated it. I can’t imagine riding out a hurricane on a boat of any size! (Tips hat in respect)
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