
Alternative to Don Papa 10yo

Malley 🇬🇧 | 0 ratings Author Posted 20 Jun '20

Hi all, I'm not a rum drinker myself but one of my best friends is and his 40th birthday is coming up. His favourite Rum is Don Papa 10yo but I thought it would be nice to buy him an alternative, something he might not of tried before. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks
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Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 148 ratings Replied 22 Jun '20

Probably any of the top 4 in the aged rum category would be an 'improvement' on the Don Papa 10-year. https://rumratings.com/brands?order_by=&letter=&min_rating=&search=&rum_type=Aged&location=&company_id=. They're all on the sweeter side like the Don Papa, but probably each has a little more 'character'.
Immiketoo 🇬🇷 | 60 ratings Replied 26 Jun '20

Give the Pyrat XO Reserve a try. It has a similar taste profile but isn’t so in your face like the Don Papa. Good but more subtle and less artificial tasting. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was my second bottle of rum.
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