
RumRatings Launches with 1000+ rums

Published by RumRatings ago

RumRatings Launches with 1000+ rums article cover image

RumRatings, an online community where members can rate, share and discover rum, has started with a bang by collecting more than 500 ratings since officially launching 1 January, 2013.

With 1000+ rums from 70 countries that members can add to their personal cabinet, RumRatings has built a haven for enthusiasts who seek an international rum selection and real-life feedback.

Founder and ‘Chief RumRater’ Andrew Shannon has been astonished by the response. “The passion of RumRating’s members has been truly amazing. The ratings feature in-depth knowledge yet have flooded in - a few members rated more than 30 rums in 1 day!''

A recent collaboration with El Dorado rum will surely spur more excitement. In addition to earning badges such as “Captain of the 7 Seas,” each RumRatings member now receives a 15-year El Dorado mini bottle for rating 15 rums.

“I loved the idea since the beginning - and think it’s a brilliant site!” says El Dorado’s International Brand Ambassador Stefanie Holt. “It’s great to see such interesting and passionate ratings from the initial members, and I expect many more to come.”

By incorporating design features that fit all screen sizes, many ratings have been submitted while on-the-go through tablets and smartphones. Future development plans include leader boards, rum discussions, social logins, and a mobile app.

Visit www.rumratings.com today and create your own personal rum cabinet.

Please contact Andrew Shannon at [email protected] for more information

Contact: Andrew Shannon

+44 7718 987 362

Email: [email protected]

About RumRatings

RumRatings is an online rum community where members can create a personal rum cabinet, share stories of rum adventure, and discover new favourite rums. WIth a “RumBase” of 1000+ rums from 70 countries and hundreds of member ratings, RumRatings is quickly becoming a global resource for all things rum. The Rumratings online rum community can be found at www.rumratings.com.
